one shot v.2

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"Are you sure?" Venus said again as she and Remus boarded the Hogwarts Express.

"Absolutely! My mum has been going crazy this past month, dying for you to come over." It's true, while Remus didn't tell Hope about Venus right away, as soon as he mentioned her in a letter there had been a nonstop harassment of questions about the brunette. 

Remus was not one to keep things from his parents, he loved being open and honest with them, as usually he had nothing to hide besides a few detentions. It's not that he was trying to hide Venus from his mother and father, but Remus had never been in a relationship before. Hell, he had never been on a date before. He was worried that he would get his poor mother's hopes up, just for Venus to finally realize what kind of monster she was spending time with.

But in the three months that they had been going steady, her feelings toward the boy never faltered. She was incredibly happy to spend her days with him in the library, out by the lake, and on their weekly Hogsmeade dates. It helped too that Venus got along with everyone, including his friends, so there was never a time that she was upset if the boys had joined them wherever they were, nor he if Thea or Rosie came along. 

"I'm excited to meet her, you talk so highly of her, I'm just nervous I won't live up to her expectations. What exactly did you say about me in those letters?"

"I said that a wonderfully kind girl stole my heart. I told her you were caring, unselfish, and beautiful, all of which are true. I've never known you to be so nervous and unconfident, is something the matter, Venus?" He asked, genuinely, as they finally found a compartment to themselves. Since it was Easter break, less students tended to go home since it was just a short week away, meaning the train was a lot less crowded, and they wouldn't have any of their friends join them in the compartment.

"It's really nothing, I don't know why I'm so anxious all of a sudden! Parents usually adore me, but I have never met a boyfriend's parents before. Is it any different?" 

"I believe you're asking the wrong person. You will be just fine, my mother is the most loving woman I have ever known, and my father just agrees with whatever my mother says."

Venus laughed at that, feeling better when Remus wrapped her hand in his own and allowed her to rest her head on his shoulder. She was never one for public displays of affection, and at Hogwarts there was almost no place to be alone besides when they snuck out to the edge of the lake some nights. So it was nice to be able to just be held in the privacy of their compartment.

Now that her worries were mainly eased, the train ride went by very smoothly and comfortably, they talked about themselves, each other, things they maybe didn't feel comfortable talking about in the presence of their friends. When the train rolled to a stop, Venus took a deep breath and flattened her hair, trying her hardest to keep her previous anxieties from returning. The fact that Remus' hand never left hers did wonders in helping. 

Since Venus didn't know who she was looking for, she let the taller boy lead her through the station, it helped that he was a foot taller than everyone else as well.

It seemed that he caught sight of who he was looking for, as he tugged her a little quicker  towards an older looking couple. His hand released hers for a moment so he could bring his mother and father in for a loving embrace, before he released them both and turned to the girl that was trying her hardest not to hide behind him.

"You must be Venus! Oh, Remus' letters don't do justice to how beautiful you are, dear! Though he sure did try." Hope laughed, finally being able to take a good look at the girl.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Lupin, I have heard so many wonderful things about you both." Venus' smile was automatic, unable to help herself at that moment, looking at the love between his parents. 

"And us, you. We're so happy you're going to be joining us this week. Hope has already prepared some of Remus' worst- Er I mean best of course, childhood photos." Lyall corrected himself when his wife gave him a soft jab in the stomach. Hope looked at Venus one more time before deciding she just couldn't help herself and brought the young girl in for a hug. Venus, while caught off guard at first, quickly returned the gesture and shot Remus a smile as she did. She swore she had never seen his smile quite so big.

"Alright, sweetheart, let her breath. We don't want to kill her before we even get her home do we?" Lyall comes to her aid. "So Venus, Remus tells me you're interested in pursuing magizoology, I'd love to hear all about it if you don't mind."

"Oh I don't mind at all! I love any excuse to be able to talk about it." The four picked up their bags and started walking out of the station, towards the Lupin's car. Apparently Hope insists on it, as she hates apparating. 

Hope took this chance to pull her son back a little bit so they could talk privately. "She is a doll, Remus. I hated seeing you grow up thinking that you could never find someone to accept you, it means everything in the world to me to know that you're happy."

"I really am, thanks mum. I mean, who knows what the future hold for us, but I'm just so glad to be able to spend as much time with her as I can."

"She's one of a kind, just like you, sweetheart. I want to be the first to be invited to the wedding."

Remus looked over to his mother like she was mad. "Mum, merlin we've only been together for a few months, we haven't even taken our OWLS yet!" 

"Im an optimistic! She makes you happy, so you fight and hold on to that for as long as you can." Despite her son towering over her, she brought his head down so she could give him a kiss on his forehead. Remus appreciated the gesture, but didn't respond to what she had said. He instead linked his arm with his mother's and looked ahead to where his girlfriend was talking to his father, hands moving around animatedly. He scoffed in his head about his mother's preposterous idea that they would someday get married. But for once instead of pushing away every thought of a happily ever after, he let the idea brood in his mind for a while. What if. . .

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