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Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"I think I want to try out for the Hufflepuff quidditch team." Thea blurted out at breakfast one morning. It was the beginning of October, so quidditch season would be starting soon.

"You've never shown an interest in it before." Rosie pointed out, putting down her buttered toast.

"I want to try something new. My family plays quidditch together all the time, I'm not terrible.

"Well I'm proud of you Thea." It wasn't a lie, Venus was proud of her. She was also worried about her. She had changed so much of herself these past few months, she could barely see where real Thea ended and Fake Thea began.

"Tryouts are in two weeks. Will you be there to support me, Vee?" The asked the brunette girl.

"Of course, Thea."

"What about me? You're not going to ask if I'll be there to support you?" Rosie asked, almost offended. Almost.

Thea rolled her eyes at her Slytherin friend. "Please, Ro. You hate quidditch with a passion."

"Doesn't mean I dont want to be invited?" She mumbled, propping her pouty face onto her palm. "Fine," Thea gave in. "Will you come support me, Rosie?"

"No, quidditch isn't really my thing."

"Why did you make such a big fuss about it then!" The shook her head at Rosie's flair for the dramatic.

"Just because I don't wanna go to the party doesn't mean I dont want an invite." Venus rolled her eyes and threw a piece of dry cereal at her friend.

"How dare you." Her voice was low as she tried to squint her eyes at the Hufflepuff, but it was wiped away when another piece of cereal flew at her from Thea. "Alright, now I just feel attacked!" She head up a T with her hand to signify truce and the girls stopped throwing cereal at Rosie.

The dark haired girl straightened her robes, laughing as she picked a colorful ring of cereal out of her hood, and threw it at an unsuspecting first year. Venus tried not to laugh, but the look on his face was precious. The group laughed together as the boy frantically looked around to see where it came from.

"Rosie, that was mean." Venus scolded her best friend.

"You started it!" She tried to argue, but falling short when Venus threw a stern gaze at the girl. She sunk back in her seat. "I'm sorry. I can't believe I'm letting a Hufflepuff boss me around." Thea rolled her eyes at her friend's ability to act like a total mom.

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