malicious match

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Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Christmas was around the corner, and Venus couldn't be any more excited. She could tell Rosie was feeling the Christmas spirit, but she was too prideful to let it show.

"Christmas is stupid. We're basically teaching kids to worship a creepy old man just so they can have toys. Sounds like a sugar daddy to me." Rosie mentioned that morning when Venus started complimenting the Christmas decorations. it was currently December 2nd, and everyone in Hogwarts was starting to feel the holiday spirit.

"Stop pretending like you don't love when my mom sends you fudge every year." Thea said, taking a few bites of her toast before her game today. It was her last game before break, and it was her first game against Ravenclaw.

"How can I not love it? That fudge is like a gift from Merlin himself."

"Why do you have to be so dramatic about everything?" Thea laughs. Venus looked at the small watch that rested on her left wrist. It was a gift from her mother on her eleventh birthday.

"The match is about to start, you need to go meet up with the team." She told the now anxious girl. Thea took a shakey breath and nade her way to the locker rooms to get ready for her match. Rosie and Venus linked arms and made their way to the stands where the rest of the school was waiting.

"Let's go sit next to Peter, I haven't spoken to him in a while." Rosie suggested.

"That's because he's been in detention, and you've been with Marlene and Lily." Venus pointed out, having to push through a lot of people just to reach their friend.

Rosie blushed slightly. "I do not hang out with them that much." She tried to defend herself. She had been spending an awful lot of time with the Gryffindor girls, but Venus wasn't mad about it. She loved knowing Rosie had someone else to lean on in case she couldn't be there for her. Rosie wasn't the type to befriend a lot of people, so it was nice for Venus to see her break out of her shell a bit more.

They continued to make yhere way to where Peter was sitting next to Remus. "Remus! We are stealing Peter if that's okay." Rosie asked, looping her other arm around Peter's.

"Uh, no thats not okay." Remus said back, putting his hand on Peter's shoulder and pushing back to sit down on the stands.

"I was just asking to be nice. Peter come with us." Rosie looped her arm around Peter's and pulled him up again. Venus cringed, seeing the confused Peter get pushed up and down in a custody battle between Rosie and Remus.

"Peter, sit." Remus told him, pushing him down again.

"Peter, stand." Rosie countered.

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