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James and Lily's wedding

Venus watched from the side as Lily made her way down the aisle. She was captured in her beauty, unable to test her gaze off of the woman in the stunning dress until she reached her husband-to-be.

Her brown eyes glanced to her right where she saw him. Her awkward Remus standing alongside Peter and Sirius as James' groomsmen. He rocked on his feet, anxious to be on display in front of so many people, but he kept his calm, as not to draw away from the beautiful ceremony taking place.

Anyone in the crowd could tell how much love was shared between James and Lily, just as they stood watching each other in that moment. As the world fell to pieces around them, there was hope. There was love, life, and possibility everywhere.

That was the thought Venus held in her mind as she couldn't help but look at her Remus. In his nice suit, she wondered if she would ever get to have a special day with him like this. She knew how he felt about her being "officially obligated" to a werewolf, but couldn't help but wonder of the future.

Remus was trying to push similar thoughts away. He looked over to his beautiful red-headed friend in her white wedding gown, and though of seeing his Venus in a gown like that. Maybe he too would get to have a ceremony where he could hold her in front of all of their loved ones. Maybe they could dance, and hug, and kiss, and love one another so proudly that he wouldn't feel so awkward up in front of a crowd anymore.

Venus always brought out that side of him. Almost like he could forget about his condition, just for a day. Maybe he was silly, but as he glanced over at the love of his life in the crowd, he felt like their future was possible.

He was shaken from his thoughts as the newly wedded couple shared a kiss to start their new lives as Lily and James Potter. James took Lily's hand in his and led her down the aisle as they continued on with the rest of the sappy wedding traditions.

Rosie was slurping on one of the adult beverages with Peter when Venus went to join them. "Do you think I could get away with stealing the bouquet before they toss it?"

"Alright, I think you've had enough to drink." Venus grabbed the cup from her hands and plopped it in the garbage.

"Hey ! That was only like. ." She counted on her fingers. "My fourth glass."

"It was her sixth, thank you. I did not want to have to be the one to pry that drink from her hands." Pete laughed, guiding his friend away from the bar and over to where Thea was dancing.

She heard someone clear their throat behind her, and low and behold the one man she was hoping to see was stood looking as handsome as ever. "Come here often?"

"To a wedding venue? Can't say I do, but I wouldn't mind coming here again one day." She added with a wink, making Remus wide his eyes slightly.

"Noted." He straightened his tie and held out a hand for her to grab, motioning for her to come dance with him. She took his hand with a smile, and let him lead.

Venus rested her head on his chest with both arms around his neck as they swayed with the music, wanting to be lost in each other forever. "You know, I learned something new today." She said, lifting her head off of his chest to look him in the eyes as she spoke.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah? What's that?"

"I learned that you walk like a duck down the aisle." She giggled a bit. Remus turned his head to the sky and huffed before setting his gaze back on Her.

"I walk like a duck down the aisle?" She hummed her agreement and took a step back to demonstrate.

"Yeah, do you see you walk with your toes slightly outward when you walk." She lifted her dress so it wasn't pooling around her ankles and started walking with her toes outward.

"Now you're just being dramatic, I have never walked like that in my life." He disagrees.

"Try it, it's fun." She kept walking around like a duck, getting a few odd looks. "You're gonna need to fix that for the next time you walk down the aisle, can't have you looking like a duck on our special day now, can we?" Her eyes were playful as she duck walked away.

His heart swelled even more after her words, and watching her walk away to scare more innocent party-goers. This was the woman he was going to marry, one way or another.

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