babbling baboon

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Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"Let me guess. You're responsible for Severus's new hairdo?" Venus asked Peter when he walked into the library with a very tired looking Remus one afternoon.

"How could you possibly suggest we were responsible for that? The boy questioned sarcastically, motioning towards himself and Remus.

"At least tell me it wasn't unprovoked."

The boys pulled out a chair and sat across from the Hufflepuff girl. "He hexed James in the courtyard yesterday, so of course James needed to go get him back for it." Remus added to the conversation, resting his head on the table.

"You're not going to lecture us, are you? I've got an exam in 20 minutes and I really don't have the time hear you blabber on about bad behavior. No offense." Peter smiled nervously when he thought he might of offended his close friend.

Venus gave him a teasing glare and thought for a moment. "Well if it really was provoked... I just think if you told a teacher they might be able to expel him or at least suspend him. Wouldn't that be better than continuing this feud that's lasted for years?"

"Clearly you haven't spent enough time with James. He's willing to let the feud last forever if it ends in him getting his Lily- flower." Remus laughed. James is not the type of guy to release a grudge. And he is definitely not the type of guy to let a teacher fight his battles for him.

Venus huffed, knowing that nothing she says would convince the boys to finally end their hatred for Severus and let a teacher deal with him. She wasn't an idiot, she knew he was beginning to dabble in Dark Magic. She knew since the moment Aurora attacked the boy on the train. After all, the purpose of a grigglypuff is to sniff out dark magic.

It was only about noon. Venus had a free period so she decided to stay in the library while Peter went off to take his exam. "Shouldn't you be going off to class now, Remus?" She asked the boy as he made no motion to pack up and head to his next class.

"Probably, but I don't think I have it in me." He replied, feeling the early affects of the full moon begin to dawn on him.

"You don't look so hot, Remus." She said worriedly as his eyes drooped a bit. He wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed  and take the longest nap. She pressed her hand to the boy's forehead, only for her palm to practically melt at the temperature.  "You're running a fever. Do you need to me to take you to the hospital wing?"

He shook his head no quickly. The last thing he wanted was to go back to the Hospital Wing when he already spends a lot of his time in there. "I want to go to bed." He whined, not caring at the moment about how much of a baby he probably seemed.

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