crazy crushes

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Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

A/N: this chapter is a little short because I hate every peice of it but am too lazy to rewrite it all. I just want to publish it and move on. Also, when i began this chapter i was going to thank you for 100 reads, and now I'm publishing it with 960. That's crazy, thank you all so much for your support. <3

"Come on, Moony. It's not that bad." James tried to console his friend. Remus had been laying facedown in his bed for the past twenty minutes.

"What's going on?" Sirius asked stepping into the room. Peter was off in the library with Venus at the moment, so it was just them three.

"Moony has a crush on Venus, and she's going out with a girl." James told the Black boy with a smirk.

"James!" Remus complained, lifting his head out of his pillow.

James laughed a bit at his shaggy friend. "I'm sorry, Rem, but we can't keep it a secret from Sirius." He argued, causing Remus just to bury his head under his covers. "Come on, Moony, you haven't even liked her that long."

"Two months."

"Really?" James asked. "I thought you hadn't started liking her until Halloween?"

Remus lifted his head out of his blankets to answer his annoying best friend. "That's when I knew I liked her, but I've fancied her for much longer." He lifted his body out of his bed and went to take a shower, hoping to wash the patheticness off of his body.

"A girl. I didn't know you liked girls? Why wouldn't you tell me?" Thea asked, as the three girls sat on the floor in Venus and Thea's room.

"I never thought about it. I've never really liked anyone, but I like people for their personalities, not their body." Venus tried to explain. Neither of the girls judged her for going on a date with another girl, but it wasn't very common for someone to be out in 1974.

"So, do you like her?" Rosie spoke up.

Venus didn't answer for a second. "I dont know. She's kind, but I've never thought about her that way."

"Well me and Rosie will help you get ready when the day comes. I also have a date that day." When she was met with confused glances, she answered. "McClaggen asked me. He's not that bright, but he is a hunk."

Rosie couldn't even hold in the eye roll. "McClaggen is such a wastoid. He can't even sing the abc's if you'd asked him to. I dont get why you're wasting your time with him." Rosie was clearly teasing, but Thea couldn't help but feel a tad offended.

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