chapter 34

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She was a beautiful Chaos trapped inside and he did the mistake ofletting her out

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She was a beautiful Chaos trapped inside and he did the mistake of
letting her out



Authors pov

She never knew she was going to do this but alas you gotta try everything one day don't you , a small smirk crawled up her lips as she took long steps towards him , his back was facing her , She could see his back flexing as he drank his wine , his back looked so good that she just wanted to stab it with knife , holding her thoughts she tried hiding them , tapping on her earpiece , her low voice was heard "guys get started remember we don't have any place for mistakes"

Taking the wine glass from a waiter passing by she walked towards him , a sick smile on her face as she tapped his shoulder , Lucius or more then known as the lucifer turned around feeling her presence , as her eyes met his she knew she hit the jackpot

"Father it's been long" her deadly soft voice made his eyes Twitch , he already sensed the strain she was putting on the word father"y/n ,what a pleasant surprise" Lucius was suprised seeing her here , she never attended any of his parties so why so sudden

As if a sensing his doubt y/n didn't miss a beat and confidentially said "Don't worry father I am not here to distroy your son's birthday , I am here for business so we could" understanding her Lucius called one of his boys and asked him to prepare a room "let's go and you better don't waste my time" what he wasn't aware of was her serpent smile and poisonous plan

"Oh believe me father I won't " coated with venom her voice made a small shiver run down his spin something wasn't right and Lucius sensed it but he had to wait he can't any step without thinking


On the one side where y/n was busy getting more time for the group others side there plan was already started

Taehyung and jungkook both were making there way towards the down part of the mension , a gun was set taehyungs hand he moved taking slow steps trying not to make sound on the other hand jungkook was holding his daggers moving slowly , footsteps stopped as they sensed someone's presence

Kipping a finger on his lips taehyung told jungkook to keep quiet peeking from behind of the wall he saw three gaurds talking to eachother , taehyung moved his eyes around the room to find way to escape this but his eyes stopped at the big black door behind the gaurds and he knew that was what they were looking for

Not making noise he signed jungkook and pointed towards the door , jungkook looked where he was pointing and smirked , nodding his head they both striked towards the gaurds , taehyung insteadly shooting one in head , while jungkook killing two by daggers

"Oh dam this is easy then I thought" jungkook said puffing his chest , but he didn't knew it was just the start , shaking his head at the younger taehyung took steps towards the black door checking the way to open it "it's locked "

"Do you think suga hyung can hack and tell us the password" taehyung thought for a moment ya maybe Suga could do that but if something goes wrong they would only be having one chance to open the gate and getting in , after completing with himself he nodded his head , they had to try anything to get inside , tapping on his ear piece he said in low voice "Suga hyung can you hack in the secret files and tell us the password tell us anything that's important and can be a password"

"Give me a moment" that was the only reply , taehyung sat himself down still keeping his gaurds up , while jungkook was busy making sure the place was safe , it was wierd he thought only three gaurds or was this Lucifer really a idiot something wasn't right , he looked around trying to find anything suspicious , looking around his eyes stopped at vent ,it wasn't a usual vent it was quite big for that

He noticed that the vent was just infront of the door he was standing at , he looked back and fourth , there was something he was missing here he was contempt of that ,"v , I think suga hyung is taking to much time let's just break the door" he heard jungkook , for a moment he thought to wait for Suga but at the end he agreed reason , he didn't wanted to waste any time

Smiling at taehyung , jungkook moved towards the door getting ready to Break as soon he touched the doors suga's voice was heard "GET AWAY FROM THERE RIGHT NOW , GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR , ITS A TRAP"

Taehyung looked up seeing the red lights shinning in the vent and panicked he ran "JUNGKOOK WATCH OUT " and grabbed jungkook harshly , jumping towards the side it took both of em to realise before a large explosion took place throwing them far making both of them crash in the wall

" Hello , jungkook , v are you guys Okay , Hello , HELLO , JUNGKOOK , TAEHYUNG ANSWER ME DAMIT " taehyung could hear the panic in Suhas voice getting up with a slight groan he looked here and there , taking off all the rock and dust on him he got up only to fall again because of the pain in his left leg , he looked down finding a thin iron rode digging his flesh

He bent down slowly , taking out the rod greeting his teeth at the pain but this wasn't anything he has been through worst in his training , after he took it out successfully , he looked here in there trying to find jungkook until he heard a groan , limping on his leg he walked towards him "hyung , are you fine" nodding to him , taehyung tried to communicate keeping his hand on his ear piece , he found it was already gone , he cursed and moved his eyes trying to find d it but no Vail

Both of them got silenced hearing the gun firing and they were sure it was from above , now they don't have things to communicate , they only had a single chance , they were trapped and they knew if they didn't find a way out they'll die

They were fucked up bad......


Hey people
Yes I finally did a update coz my summer holidays started

I won't be doing updates
Until I complete editing the book from start
And i am very sorry for it
Please forgive me
I hope you understand

-Your idiotic author

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