Chapter 36

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"You feel the last bit of breath leaving their body

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"You feel the last bit of breath leaving their body. You're looking into their eyes. A person in that situation is God!"

Author's pov

Suga's voice felt like a comforter in cold to both jungkook and Taehyung, they felt like a child lost in the maze of darkness walking without a clue looking for anything that will give them a motive, and suga just had to show them the way towards the light like he did, making them realise they weren't kid's in playground, they were hear to save someone and they had to move fast.

Walking down the foreign place they couldn't help but look around in fascination, everything around was so foreign and confusing something they've never seen before, everything around looked like they we're in some kind of science trip, but fascination with itself brought a great amount of fear.


A feeling of walking in unknown, no one liked the unknown because no body knew the unknown.

It was dark, tempting and filled with illusions, that Will make some go crazy with not an ounce of regret, it stood there in all its glory making everyone around cower in fear, it was filled with bone chilling screams and reeked of blood.

And unknown was just the start of it.

And that's what they felt, no matter how fascinating it was still it made there senses go in high alert and they hated having no idea what was going around them, with fast steps jungkook walked towards the elevator Taehyung close on his tail.

While changing his clothes to the doctors ones, jungkook noticed the map inside the room and his mind was smart enough to connect the dots, the main building was not an Individual building but a floor, the place called Lucifer's hell was divided into four floor's, which were big enough to hold more than 60,000 guards, 80,000 doctors and close to more then 1 lakh prisioned people or as they treated them slave's.

( don't mind my drawing but I hope you understand it better now)

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( don't mind my drawing but I hope you understand it better now)

And the main building was non another then then the last floor, and that was where they headed too " Jimin will meet us at the third floor he got the key to the last one "


Jimin's pov

My heart was wildly beating in my chest like every cell in my body was screaming war, a war that was brimming on the edge taking tole of everyone of us, taking a sip of my drink I closed my eyes letting the flavours melt on my tongue like a drug as a soft satisfied moan left my lips.

Opening my eyes back I look up feeling them close, rattling in there cage binded in the darkest corners of my brain. I hear them growling from hunger asking to be fed as they scratch the surface beneath them, so ragged and savage, beast binded to my soul, asking me to free them so that they could take possession of my body and soul as I let them do as they please.

leaving not a single trail behind, my brown eyes found my prey standing next to some guards doing what I presumed giving Instructions, my eyes fell on his dark figure taking in his every feature like a hound, he was tall and might I add very well built if it wasn't for the situation I wouldn't have mind taking him back and let him take me raw.

Taking slow steady steps I walked towards him as soon as he was alone, and I knew he picked up the rhythm of my feet because I saw him Turing around now facing me, his blue eyes found mine, light blue holding the sky in them, black hair Neatly styled as he took in me like a prey looking at the predator. But in this game I was the predator and he was the prey.

"Lost your way little one" His words felt like screams to deaf ears, the only word that came in my mind taking him in was an handsome idiot, people with no brain irritated me specifically those who thought they were above me, that they could take possession over me and make me submit to them but those were also the one I like to break, let them taste there own medicine paint them red with there own blood

"I did, mind showing it to me " I knew my words turned him on, it was always so easy possessing humans who carved lust and were brimming with desires, and I was the sin the Apple in eden, a tempter and they just fell deep in my trap, too deep for them to see the light again.

"Oh I would love too" His voice went deeper and I could easily here the lust coating it, I took him to his edge with him having no idea that he just called out a demon, he walked ahead with me close behind, he thought he was the one who was going to break me I could see it in his eyes, those eyes that took me in like they were hungry for me and a bone chilling smile crawled up my lips.

"l'innocence était trompeuse"

I saw him walking towards an empty room as he pulled me inside pinning me on the wall, I felt the pain gush through my spine making me crinkle my eyes, he was strong more then he let on but I was smart, smarter then he'd ever be, I felt him push me down as he hovered over my body, looking at me with those hungry eyes.

"Oh I am going to enjoy ravishing you" I wanted to laugh at his stupidity but all it came out of my lips was whine, as I softly moaned taking him in the illusion he was having a effect on me, his hands traced my body as if remembering every part and curve of it, he was lost, lost in his desire to claim me lost in the sin of lust giving me a opening and I took full advantage of it flipping him over and sitting on his chest, pulling his hands underneath my legs and pinning him down with my hand on his neck.

" Well aren't you a idiotic little thing" My mockery seen to make him more angry then he already was, his face constructed in pain as I twisted his hand, I loved the pain painting his face he was trapped in my twisted game and I was going to enjoy playing it. "L_leave me y_you ba_astard" His voice felt faint to my ears, I didn't wanted to hear his words I wanted to hear his screams.

Taking my small knife out from the band of my shoe's, I craved his skin watching as the blood soaked his white shirt painting it red, I felt like a God watching him scream as I claimed his soul, I was his salvation, his sin and his virtue, and I watched as he slowly lost his consciousness slipping into darkness, as he fell limp and I smiled, a sick sweet smile taking the keys from his side and tapping my ears.

"Got the keys Queen" I felt her breath lightly before her sweet voice made it's way to my ears and my eyes glinted Mischievously.

"Good work Jimin, now get out of there, V and Jk are waiting for you "



Late but here it is I hope you enjoy ♡

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