chapter 35

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When the blood burns,
How Prodigal the soul lends
The tongue vows

Authors pov

They both were trapped in, there chest heaving with shallow breath, everything around was strangely blinding like they couldn't see what was happening, there eyes went blank, numb with no hope, they knew there was one only a little time before the alarms go off and the unground security system start working, which will trap them more then they already was and in sometime there will be no oxygen.

Jungkook felt highly demotivated, everything they planned was coming down with no hope, all the hard was going in vain he was so frustrated so fucking frustrated, with shaking legs he stood up as he eyes moved towards Taehyung who was lying on the ground, his leg was bleeding badly, it wasn't only Taehyung who got hurt but jungkook too go some bad scratches and a big wound on his head and hand, they both were bleeding, his anger took over him and he picked the stone on the side and threw it towards the metallic wall making it crash and room to turn red

They heard and excessive beeping, Taehyung who was lying on the ground stood up frantically looking hear and there, everything around was already turned more bad " What did you do" His voice held anger but he controlled it

"I d_don't know" All the anger jungkook felt from before vanished, he knew he needed to be sane not only him but Taehyung too, both of them gave each other a look they were the best duo in there gang and they can't let themselves down not when they were needed

"Okay let's stay calm, we don't have any way to connect to outside members so firstly we need to find the door that'll lead us to the underground security system" Jungkook nooded towards Taehyung before running towards the opposite direction both of them go to work with alarms blaring in the dark room, soon jungkook found a man hole type gate hidden under the rocks and he called for taehyung as both of them hurriedly picked up the rocks over the gate.

"Suga what's happening?" Her frantic voice rang through suga's ear piece, his hands felt cold under the immense pressure, a painful headache made it way through making him sigh loudly, he felt stupid just sitting there with no idea what to do, he felt he was of no use and it was irrigating him.

With a irritated growl he got up and started phasing around he wanted to help them no he needed to help them and he knew he can't just sit there without without doing anything, with a determined face he sat down, and started looking through all the CCTV cameras.

"For now I have no idea what happened down there, but I am checking through the cctv camera placed near the explosion, there are chance it'll still be working, if the things are much worse then I have to hack the underground security system." He tried to hide the fear behind his voice, no he wasn't some kid playing with computers, he knew he had great things ahead and he can't let something like this bring him down.

Not now, not ever

"I am trusting you suga, don't bring me down please" He could hear the sheer desperation in her voice, she sounded broken like it was all her fault, and it broked something in him, with scrunched eye's he sighed, he can't loose hope, no he won't loose hope "trust me I'll get them"

And with those words he started at the work he was good at and with a little tap the hallway she stood in went completely black and she smirked.


With a loud voice the manhole opened, they looked at each other with a soft smirk before running back to get there guns, while coming back towards the manhole Taehyung felt something under his shoe finally looking down he found the broken ear piece he was looking for, with a smile he picked it up running towards the gate.

Both of them silently went down through the ladders it was dark and there was a medicinal smell in the air, finding the place suspicious Jungkook took out the flair gun in his pocket lighting it up, the room was white covered with some kind of plastic sheets, as his eyes moved from the walls towards the a small door but before he could walk ahead Taehyung stopped him giving him some bandages to cover his wounds and a court with looked identical to the one doctor's wear with a mask to cover up his face, and he smirked asking Taehyung to follow him.

With silent footsteps both of theem walked out and what they saw Made the ground slip beneath there feets, they were shocked finding a big place more like a lab with a lot of people dressed in the same white court as them, both of them walked ahead trying to look casual as they can

Taehyung who found the broken ear piece on the ground tried to fix it and he hoped it worked, with a tap he prayed the ear piece could connect him to suga "Hello anyone there"

"Hello, hey_hey Taehyung is that you oh my God are you fine how's Jungkook where are you both" Hearing suga's panicked voice Taehyung pulled ju Jungkook towards a empty corridor where he could talk to suga.

"We got in, or that's what I think this is a big place, more like a big lab, can you hack the cctv and tell us the exact location of us and lily"

"Yes give me a moment" They heard a light tapping before suga's voice was heard again "your lucky, you got in the lab of Lucifer's hell, you just need to get to the main building which isn't that far, I've already talked to jimin, he got the keys and he'll meet you near the Gates, I caan only give you max 20 minutes until they find me in theer security system. And ya don't need to worry about others they are fine, and when you get lily give us a heads up so RM could get you out of there.


Okay well
Fist of all sorry I didn't updated but listen to me
This is my last year of high school and due to pandemic I've been really busy with my assignment and exams I've got no time to write so I am really sorry I haven't updated for so long

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