Chapter 5 - Strange Sightings

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I awoke to the feeling of a luscious, soft pressure against my head. Not wanting to get up, I slowly lifted my head off of the pillow. "Huh? Pillow? Wait a minute, when did I fall asleep?" I questioned under my breath. The last thing I remember was bringing boxes up to my new room. I looked around my room. Everything was unpacked and neatly placed around the room like a museum. "Did I really do all of this?" I wondered as I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. "No my lazy butt would never do all of this in a short amount of time. But then who did..?"

My first thought was my mother. It had to be. I mean no one else is here with me right? Brushing my frizzy, tangled bed hair out of my face, I made my way downstairs. "Hey mum you here?" I shouted. No answer. "Mum?" Still no answer. My mind trailed back to what happened earlier. She must still be out getting food then. But would it really take that long? "Right first things first I need to establish how long I was out for." I grabbed my phone from my pocket and turned it on. It read 9:21 pm. Mum left around 7:50 pm. Something's not right, I can feel it. Does it really take that long to grab something to eat?

I didn't know what to do. Do I call someone? Do just wait around for her to return? God what do I do? 

My panicking was interrupted by the loud sound of a creaking floorboard right behind me.. 
"W-Who is in my house.." I spun around to see if I could find the culprit but.. there was no one there.. I can't just be hearing things right? Am I going crazy? I started to slowly walk around the first floor to examine the space around me.  

My first thought was to head to the kitchen. My fight or flight was acting up so to put myself at ease I needed something to defend myself. We hadn't fully unpacked yet but there was a big box somewhere in the kitchen full of utensils. As I entered the room I noticed a frying pan placed on the counter top. That will do nicely. "Time to embrace my inner Rapunzel and beat the shit out of whoever is in my house." I smirked to myself as I picked it up and held it ready. A weapon of defence at last and a pretty damn good one. I slowly walked back into the hallway but my confidence didn't last much longer.

A loud "BANG" echoed around the house. My ear drums felt like they were going to explode. I was left in a state of shock and fear. I could feel my body trembling. What was that!? What do I do? The noise. It sounded like a door being slammed shut and it definitely came from upstairs. My shaking hand started to move towards my pocket and grab my phone. I'm not alone here. I needed to call someone. Where was my mother??

I looked at the phone. Black. I frantically pressed the power button but nothing. The screen stayed black. I don't believe it. Just my fucking luck. Why now!? I started to hyperventilate. "What do I do? What do I do? What do I do!?" I was shaking and looking all around me trying to find something that would give me an idea. And then I saw it. The front door.

"Oh my god I'm such an idiot!" I shouted, "I'll just go out and look for my mum. Even if it's just me being insane and this is all in my head, maybe some fresh air would help." I sprinted to the door and snatched the doorknob so it was in the clasp of my hand. I turned it and pulled with all my might. But nothing? I pulled the door towards me again. Nothing. It wouldn't budge. "I swear I didn't lock it" I muttered confused. Luckily I had the keys in my pocket so I pulled them out and stuck it into the door. As I was about to turn the key I had this overwhelming feeling of anxiety and a sense of frozen air. This cold feeling embraced me like a forced hug. I was scared, confused, dizzy. I wanted to leave but I couldn't. I couldn't move. It felt like I was being forced under some supernatural trance that I couldn't escape. My eyes focuses on the key in the door. Without me realising, my hand had lost its grip on the key and my fryingpan had dissapeard from my other hand. Both of my arms were back at my side. "How did t-that-" was all I was able to utter.

My eyes we're fixated on the key. What was happening? Why was this happening? I tried to move to grab it but as I did the key flew out of the door at high speed, landing on the hard wooden floor behind me. My eyes widened in dismay but before I could even process what happened, the strange feeling that was engulfing me disappeared, causing me to collapse in a heap on the ground.

Shaking and sweating as I leaned against the door. What the fuck was going on!? I looked up to witness a green mist forming in the air in front of me. My eyes we're repeatedly blinking, trying to remove this image from my mind. I must have hit my head when I fell and I was now hallucinating. But I blinked and blinked and blinked and it was still there. I rubbed my eyes and slapped my face but nothing worked. The mist was warping, moving, spinning, expanding. It kept changing shape and slowly changed in colour. I noticed that slowly something was appearing in the mist. I squinted my eyes to identify what the strange specimen was. Then it appeared. That same freezing feeling that was drenched in anxiety and fear appeared again. A shiver ran down my spine and I felt my face go pail as I saw it. A face had appeared in the mist. It was a ghostly white, had splotches of green and purple with mold oozing out of places of pigmentation. Then it smiled. The most disgusting and terrifying smile I've ever seen. The smile wrapped all the way around it's face with sharp, pointy, unkempt teeth almost making me gag.

I pushed myself closer to the door I was leaning against. I tried to use the doorknob again but it wouldn't budge.

"There's no point in trying to leave now babes" the face in the mist spoke. It had a deep, gruff voice and it was still able to keep that horrific smile that travelled from ear to ear. Before I could stop thinking it spoke again; "The fun has just begun." It let out a devilish laugh that had the intent of harm.

I tried to scream but I couldn't. It felt like something was latching onto my throat, preventing me from breathing. I squinted my eyes shut in fear and prepared for the worst. I didn't know what else to do. That was when I heard it.

"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice!!!"  A female voice shouted. I opened my eyes to witness a man and a woman stood on the steps. The mist shouted something that I wasn't able to process. My vision was blurry. I felt dizzy. Slowly the pressure on my neck lifted. I tried to process what was going on but the next think I was met with was darkness...

A/N: LOOK WHO'S BACCKKK!!!! I am so sorry I've been gone for ages. I've had loads going on and honestly forgot about this. So I've tried to pump out another chapter that you guys can enjoy. I've got loads of more ideas for this now so hopefully some new chapters soon! I can't thank you all enough for supporting this story. Like omg I came back to over 1k reads!? That's insane!!! Thank you all so so much. Expect more soon. It's good to be back :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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