Chapter 3 - Feelings

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"Ghosts aren't real. R-right?"

Ever since that one moment, those words have been echoing in my head. I mean, I found the thought of the supernatural cool in movies and stories but to think that it could actually be real? Nah. Lies I tell you. Lies! Welp better get ready for the first night in my new place with my mother. -_-

Soon after Petunia left, the moving van arrived and we started to unpack all of my useless items.  Luckily we had some help from the moving people, (Idk what you call them so lets go with it shall we?)  it was really nice of them as it's not a part of their jobs to do that. Seems like there are some nice people in the world. Once they had finished, I thanked them and gave them a tip for their help then they were on their way. 

"Right. Better find a place to put all of this rubbish" I said, clapping my hands together. Mum came over to help me lift the sofa, somehow still smiling. I will never understand this woman. Once we had found the perfect place for in in the living room,(/lounge/whatever you wanna call it) the sofa fell onto the wooden floor with a loud "thud". I sighed, my forehead starting to sweat. This is a hard job. I hear my mum sigh as well as she started to speak, "Oh sweetie, don't forget to text John and the others to let them know that you made it here safely." 

I froze. 

I felt my body start to shake at the thought. 

John is technically my boyfriend but I don't like to call him that. In summary, he's abusive and I'm too scared to break up with him. I've seen him drunk, it's not nice. Nor are his 'friends'. They all like to hang around these really dangerous places and get up to no good, and guess what? I get dragged along. I have no say in it either. I'm forced to and if I disobey any of them...
I don't want to think about it. 

I slowly started to fade in and out of my thoughts and back to reality. I could start to hear little things... 

"Y/N!!" I was now fully back into reality by the noise of my mother screaming and shaking me furiously.
"Oh sorry, I m-must have zoned out.." Geeze why did I stutter? I didn't think memories affected me that much. She gave me a weird look, then a nod and left me alone in the room. 
I guess I should just continue to try and get this place to feel like my own. 

-Time Skip 'cause idk what to write and I'm pretty sure that none of you would like an entire chapter about moving furniture-

 A few hours later, we were pretty much sorted. Sure some things are still not in the right place but for now it'll do. I looked out of the window, it was starting to get dark. "Hey mum, you wanna stop for today and get some food?" I asked, still looking out of the window.
"Sure, that would be nice." She responded, placing a plant on the floor. 

"Alright cool. If I am correct, there is a takeaway place just down the road. Want me to go grab some things?"  I said, finally turning around to face her.

"No, no, no, no, no, it's fine I'll do it." She responded while grabbing her coat. Why does she have to treat me like this. I'm not a kid anymore. But there is no way to persuade her. There never is to be honest. And as soon as she had spoke, the door slammed shut signalling that she had left.

"Welp guess I'm alone now.." I said out loud to myself. But what really worried me was the possible thought that I wasn't alone. It still lingered in my mind, the thought that my new house was haunted. But it can't be right? No matter how many times I told myself, I could not believe a word I thought. 

I decided to go up to my new room to move things about and put items in their place. I don't know how I never noticed the interior design of this house but it's extremely odd. It's not my cup of tea at least but I suppose everyone has their own tastes. 

As I climbed up the stairs, the sound of creaky floorboards echoed all over the building. One might say it was quite scary, but me? I didn't care. Although for some reason I got a cold feeling down my back. I shook it off and decided to put on my headphones and pressed play on my playlist. "Hmm Heathers." I spoke aloud as I entered my room. It was a nice medium sized room, not too small, not too big. It was covered in black and purple and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. It had a nice small window at the back of the room, looking out onto the town. "I could get used to this" I smiled to myself. 

And so with that I started to unload the boxes that were outside of my door whilst humming to my favourite songs. But that strange feeling would not go away no matter what I did...

Ahhh thank you guys so much for reading, voting, commenting and adding this rubbish story to your reading lists! It means the world to me. As of right now we are on 69 reads in total (lol) and I can not thank you enough! I didn't even think that this story would get 5 reads so this is crazy for me. Also sorry that this chapter took so long to come out, life has been a bit tricky with exam prep and stuff so hopefully I can get some more chapters out during the Christmas holidays (which starts next week for me) but I might not be able to due to family and friends. We shall see. 

Thank you guys again and I shall see you in the next chapter when it comes out! 

Happy reading!!

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