Chapter 2 - Moving In

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Well as soon as we entered, I was amazed. Of course I had seen the house before, but to think that this is all mine now. It belongs to me. My property. My new place to live. My-

"Wow this is truly spectacular isn't it Y/N?"

Oh yeah, she's still here.

Well I guess I better enjoy it seeing as she will be going back home tomorrow- I mean back to her home.

"Yeah mum. It really is." I smiled so much that my mouth started to ache. "Would one care to join me on having a wander around this noble manor? Seeing as you are staying the night."
I offered my arm to be in a joking way and she gladly accepted. I did love to mess around with her. We never did this as much when I was younger, dad was the fool of the family but... Well you already know. I was basically neglected by everyone as soon as it happened.
But we don't need to think about that now.

"Why thank you kind sir, one shall accept thee's offer." She giggled back. Man I missed this so much.
"The pleasure is all mine M'lady." I respond in the best posh voice I could master. Which was not very good.
We both burst out in laughter as we explored my new house. (Lmao auto correct was just like "as we exploded my new house" idk, that made me laugh)

As we wondered around, I was feeling like someone was watching me. Call me crazy but I swear I felt eyes burning holes in my back. I turned around to be greeted with the most wonderful thing.
"Must be my imagination." I mumbled to myself.
"What was that darling?" I hear my mother question.
"Hm? Oh nothing. Not to worry." I responded. For some reason that feeling didn't go, It gave me shivers when I thought about it. I guess it must be the nerves of entering a new house, I thought to myself. Well, best to move on and worry later.

We spent approximately half an hour exploring my new house and I must say, it is truly wonderful, beautiful, spectacular, amazing! I should stop-
For some reason mum wanted to help unpack the small amount of items we brought while I wait for the moving van. I mean hey, I'm not complaining. Less work for me.

While she went off to do that, I decided to have a little cleaning session. There was still dust on the floor and I didn't know what else to do. "Okay then. Now where would a broom be?" I though aloud as I started to open ever cupboard and closet I could find on the first floor. "Aha! There you are!" I shouted as my first mission had been completed by finding the broom in the cupboard under the stairs. "Did you happen to bump into Harry Potter on your travels Mr Broom" I asked the broom. Wait- What am I doing!? Seriously. Me, talking to a broom? God this house must be making me crazy. First the weird feeling and now this!? I don't know anymore.

To help myself, I put on my headphones and pressed play on my musical Spotify playlist. I'm a theatre nerd. Judge all you want but I don't care. It's what I love and you can't take it away from me. I started sweeping around the main entrance belting along to some of my favourite tunes, I actually enjoyed myself for a bit.

After a while, one of my favourite songs came on. "Yes!!!" I shouted as soon as I heard that oh so recognisable intro. It was Sincerely Me from Dear Evan Hansen.

(I highly recommend that you listen to it. DEH is such an amazing musical and sincerely me is my favourite song from it. It's such a bop!)

Ben Platt and Mike Faist are soooo talented, I thought to myself. And before you could say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious I was already singing my heart out.
"If I stop smoking drugs then everything might be alright."  (I swear it's a good musical. Please believe me!!!) I basically shouted across the room with my broom used as a makeshift microphone. I looked like a fool, but no one was there to see.

"Uh, ma'am. Are you quite alright?"

I screamed as loud as I could from hearing this unknown voice and feeling a tap on the back of my shoulder. In instinct I put my broom out in front of me as a weapon to defend myself from this intruder.

"O-oh my! I am terribly sorry, I did not mean to startle you." Said this woman now in my house. She was tall, thin with black curly hair scrunched into a bun and had a suit on. In her arms she held a black binder full of paperwork. She had a formidable look on her face, probably disgusted with what I was doing. Maybe keep an eye on the door next time!

"Ah, don't worry about it. You just gave me a bit of a fright that's all." I responded lowering my weapon. "May I ask who you are and why you're here?" I was still very confused about the whole situation.
"Oh right! I'm Petunia Pompard, the estate agent. I did call to say that I would be popping over. You would be Ms L/N correct?"
Thoughts rushed through my head as I tried to remember.
"Oh yes! I'm sorry about all of this. Y'know, first time buyer, I'm still new to the situation." I chuckled a bit, finally putting my broom in the corner of the room.
"Right.." Petunia replied. "Well I just wanted to make sure that everything was alright and that you didn't have any complaints. Do you?"
"Umm nope. Everything is perfect thanks." I smiled.
"Well then I guess that's all sorted then." She tucked her binder under her arm and went on her way.

I sighed with happiness. I can now continue with my job.

"Oh. Just one more thing," Petunia turned to face me once more. "The main reason the last owners sold this place was because they said it was 'haunted' or something like that."
"H-haunted!?" I thought out loud.
"Yup. Ghosts, demons, poltergeists, whatever. But of course you don't believe in that sort of stuff right? It's all nonsense."
"Y-yeah. Right...."
"Well, cheerio!" And then she turned on her heel, exiting the house and closing the door behind her. Leaving me in




"Ghosts aren't real. R-right?"

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