Sunoo was out in disguise looking around the town. He escaped the palace just a while ago because he heard that there's a newly opened shop that sells different kinds of sweets down town, so of course he have to go see it for himself.
His eyes shined when he saw the cute shop,different kinds of desserts are displayed and his mouth immediately watered by the sight.
He opened the door ringing the bell indicating that someone just entered the shop. He walked to the island counter sitting in one of the seats,still looking around. The shop was still empty probably because that sun isn't high up yet.
Y/n came outside from the kitchen bringing a tray of newly baked desserts with her. Sunoo looked at her with curious eyes looking at the sweets on the tray she's holding.
Y/n gave the boy a smile.
"Welcome to our shop. Would you like to try this?" Sunoo nodded distracted by the mouth watering goods.
"Here. It's on the house since you're so cute." Sunoo looked at y/n with wide eyes, his face was tinted by a bright red color.
"T-thank you." He reached for the sweet, avoiding the girl's eye. Y/n watched sunoo eat the sweet waiting for a reaction. Sunoo's faced beamed at the taste, looking at the girl with an unbelievable expression on his face.
"This is so good! What's this?" Y/n looked at sunoo with a smile, proud that she made another customer amaze.
"Oh that's just a lemon tart." Sunoo looked at the sweet again wondering how that was a lemon tart, it's different from the ones the palace serves them and it's way better! Sunoo looked at the other desserts.
"I would like to try this" He said pointing at a new dessert. Y/n immediately served the boy.
"That's not free." She giggled.
"I have money." Sunoo reached for his money showing it to the girl.
"I would like to try all the desserts you can offer today." Y/n looked at sunoo with curious eyes already naming him as a sweet monster.
"Alright but you better brush your teeth 10 times after this." Sunoo laughed at the girls remarks and he started munching on different kinds of sweets ,chatting with the girl from time to time. He'd watch the girl serve her customers with a bright smile also making sunoo smile.
On the few hours that they were happily chatting with each other,sunoo has growned fondly with the girl, amazed by her personality and her passion on what she's doing. He thinks that she's sweet and kind.
When he saw her giving free sweets to homeless kids, he already knew that he wants to stay by her side all the time.
"Oh right. I haven't gotten your name yet." Y/n said cleaning the counter as the store is already at it's closing hours.
"It's sunoo, my lady." Y/n looked at the boy from head to toe, suddenly remembering the 5th prince who shares the same name with the boy.
They stayed silent for a moment just staring at each other but the silence was ruined when three guards suddenly went inside her shop.
"Your highness, we have been looking for you all around the empire. Your brothers are worried about you, please return to the palace." Y/n's mouth dropped at what she heard. She looked at sunoo who was looking at the guards with a sassy look, looking annoyed, his hair that was brown earlier was now a shade of blonde. Was it magic? She suddenly remembered the way she talked to the boy earlier.
Sunoo noticed y/n's reaction and he laughed at how adorable the girl was.
"Hey y/n, you won't change your way of talking right? Cause if you do I'll be sad." Sunoo pouted. Y/n nodded suppressing a smile. He was far from what the rumors was saying. They said that he was cold but seeing and interecting with the prince made her believe that he's a ball of sunshine instead.
Sunoo stood up smiling brightly, waving his hands at her.
"I'll come by again! You better not change or I'll smack you with marshmallows." Sunoo reminded her again. Y/n laughed at the boy's silly threat and waved her hands at him, watching him turn his back to leave the shop.
After that day, sunoo kept talking about y/n with no fail, boasting to the other princes about how wonderful she is.
And they already knew, sunoo has a huge crush on her.
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