TWENTY-FIVE - Mother Dearest?

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Twenty Five

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Twenty Five

Mother Dearest?

My brain was trying to process a thousand thoughts at the same time. His Girlfriend? I didn't know what to think. But I did know that I was surprised by his sudden request. And surprised by the constant thought of Blake rushing through my mind.

I liked Dante. I have established this before. So, why was it that every time it came down to being something more than friends with him, Blake would occupy my mind?

"Your girlfriend?" I clarify, part of me hoping I heard him wrong.

"Yeah, I really like you, Jackie. I want to be more than friends with you. I want to have every right on you" There was no logical reason for me to say no. Dante was cute, I got along with him. Plus, any hopes I had for Blake were now gone the moment Chris left. We were just friends... if he even considered us that.

"I'm sorry Dante. But I don't think it's such a good idea – I mean us"

"But you had agreed to that date. This is where we would be if that date had happened" His tone was laced with agitation as his eyebrows furrowed, a slight vein making a faint appearance at the side of his forehead. "Does it have to do with that guy? The fake dad to that kid you two were looking after?"

I was taken aback by his comments that were filled with belittling connotations. Fake dad. That kid. I knew it would be hard for him to understand just how real this whole situation was for us. That Blake wasn't just some fake dad. He cared for Chris as a real father would.

"It's... complicated" I found my head lowering to the ground, finding it hard to even figure it out myself. Dante, though, seemed to be getting riled up as he stood up abruptly and his voice raised along with him, making me flinch "It's not complicated, Jackie. You and me. That's not complicated." He took a deep breath before speaking calmly again "just think about me. No one else"

He leaned his head down to me, his face slowly nearing mine. His lips, once again, were inches apart. My stomach churned at the thought of kissing him again. I was uncomfortable. I didn't want this again. I placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back. He let out a frustrated groan, pacing in front of me as he tugged on his hair, furiously biting his lip.

I was starting to feel much more uncomfortable with his sudden change in behaviour. The figure pacing in front of me slowly turning into a stranger I wanted to run from. "I think you should leave"

His head snapped towards me as his eyes glared at me. He took a step towards me making me fall back a step. My gut kept telling me to run.

"Leave? How could I do that when I came here for you?" He spat. He dared to take another step towards me. His eyes were dark and the thoughts he was imagining were very clear. No, I didn't want him touching me, but I couldn't move. I froze in place, closing my eyes as I prepared myself for what was to come.

"Did she not just tell you to leave?" My eyes opened at the sound of my saviour's voice. A shiver went down my spine at Dante's attitude taking a complete one-eighty as he turned to face her.

"Oh hi, you must be Jackie's mom. I was just telling your daughter she needs to get out more. She hasn't been to school in days" He smiled at Aunty as she walked past him, helping me up.

"Thanks, but I'll take care of her. She's my concern, not yours. Now, leave" She shot him a death glare, not even acknowledging the fact that he called her my mom.

Aunty guided me to the kitchen once Dante left, locking the door behind us. She sat me down on the kitchen counter as her blurry figure looked through the cabinets.

"I had messaged your dad; he said he'd be taking the next flight after his meeting, so he'll be here in a few hours" I wiped the tears that were rolling down as Aunty took a seat beside me, wrapping her arms around me, taking me in her embrace. She brushed through my hair with her fingers as she kissed the top of my head. "You have to stop keeping everything to yourself. You have to stop locking yourself away every time you get upset. You have to realize that you have people that care for you." She cooed in my ear

"Jackie, I know you keep everything to yourself. You don't tell your dad things because you don't want to worry him, or Lottie, or me. But trust me when I say. It worries us more when you lock yourself up in your room." I lift my head slightly to provide an argument, but she holds me in place "Don't try to argue. I've known you for seventeen years. And Lottie told me everything that happened with Chris"

More tears slipped out of my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her waist, scooting closer as I found comfort in her. "I feel so alone." I couldn't stop myself as I was full-on bawling now.

"I know, baby." She kissed the top of my head. I knew Aunty wanted to provide arguments on why I shouldn't feel that way and how I have so many people around me. But nothing could fill that void of this constant empty house that was once filled with Chris's laughter, cries, and whines.

And Aunty understood that as she continued to hold me tight, letting me cry my eyes out. Is this what a mother felt like? Is this the motherly comfort that Lottie used to talk about when we were kids? Did Chris feel that from me?

She took my face in her hands, softly cupping it as she brushed a few strands of hair away from my face "Chris was very lucky to have you. I can't say whether you'll meet him again or not, but the way you and Blake looked after him, I'm sure he'll always remember you." She kissed my forehead, before getting up and going to turn on the stove.

"I'm sure you haven't eaten properly so I'm making your favourite ramen and you better finish all of it. I need my future model to be healthy" She tries to lighten my mood, and it works as I crack a small smile at her.

She makes her way over to me again, slouching to my level "I know you probably haven't talked to him. But he's going through the same thing as you. He just lost Chris too. You two need each other right now" That was all it took for me to realize how selfish I had been. I had been so lost in the thought of losing Chris and where I stood in Blake's life, I didn't even take into account that Blake had just lost Chris too.

How could I be so stupid?

"Oh, and stay away from that kid that came by today" She finally spoke on the topic I wanted to avoid at all costs. Mostly because part of me was still surprised, no- traumatized by the thirst that danced in his eyes when he looked at me. "You have to tell us if he even dares to even look at you again, ok?" Her eyes were filled with concern, and her voice was laced with threat. Something said she wanted to murder him on the spot.

"I will" I quietly agree, not wanting to talk about him anymore as I was already feeling uneasy. As if talking about this will make it worse.

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