SIXTEEN - Morning Runs and Pregnancies

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~Morning Runs and Pregnancies~

"So, I see you're quite the chick magnet. New school and already got girls kissing your cheek. Impressive." I make conversation as I try to keep up with Dante's pace.

He lets out a chuckle, turning his face to look at me; his cute dimples making an appearance. "Can't believe you saw that. But yeah, can't believe she did that. Are the girls really this friendly at this school?"

"I don't know... maybe just to guys? or you? I don't know" We started slowing down as we approached the stream.

"So what? Are you one of the unfriendly ones? The one that bites people for talking to them?"

"Oh yeah, definitely! How dare you talk to me?! I'm silently planning your murder in my head as we talk right now" He laughs at my response, both of us catching our breaths as we stand in front of the water. "So, how was your first day really?"

"It was good, I guess. Better than any other first days I've had" He turns to me, sending a small smile with those beautiful dimples.

"Well, come on. We're gonna be late for school. I actually can't believe you made me come for a run this early."

"I can't believe you actually came." He threw an arm around my neck, my face next to his chest as I let out a small chuckle. He removed his arm and we started making our way back.


"Somebody seems to be in a really good mood today" Lottie approaches me. "Your face is glowing"

I couldn't help but giggle. "I need to tell you something. But promise you won't tell anyone"

Lottie leans in with the same smile with a hint of 'business' showing on her face.

"I'm pregnant" She looks at me with her smile dropped. One blink. Two blinks. Then a punch to my left arm.

"God Jackie, don't joke with me like that" I rubbed the area she punched in order to ease the pain.

"Who says I'm joking, you said it yourself, I'm glowing"

"JACKIE..." She groaned, taking my head in her armpit and trying to squeeze.

"Lottie, get off" I try to shove her away.

"Tell me why you're glowing and don't say that you're pregnant" she squeezes tighter.

"Who's pregnant?" A deep voice behind us asks.

Both of us turn around to face two pale faced boys. Both seeming to be scarred by the word pregnant.

"Me" Their faces growing paler and mortified at my answer "can't you tell? I'm apparently glowing!"

"No body's pregnant!" Lottie exclaims at the two boys, then turning her attention back towards me again "Spill it now"

I manage to grab her arms and get out of her hold. I make a dash towards calculus. My next class.

"Listen, I know you love our runs that you can't even go a little while with out it, but slow down there before you bump into someone" My arm gets grabbed, stopping me in my tracks. Dante.

"And the only person I managed to run into was you. Lucky me" I replied back sarcastically while playing with my fingers.

Dante shoots me a smile making worms erupt inside my stomach. "yeah, lucky you. And even luckier me." He also replies sarcastically, yet the sarcasm wasn't all there.

We both made our way inside the class.

"Don't run after class. I need to talk to you. Please?" Dante requests me with a small smile.

"Uh, sure" I reply and take my seat as the bell rings. Lottie and Caden walking in soon later.

After a long hour later of calculus, the class finally ended and kids started making their way to the cafeteria for lunch. Blake appearing in the door way.

"You guys go without me, I'll catch up in a bit" I tell the three of them. Lottie and Caden nod, making their way out the class while I pack my stuff.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask Dante as I meet him near the door, and walk out together.

The hallway was empty since it was the furthest from the cafeteria. It was just us and a few strolling students.

"I just wanted to say... Wait but don't laugh ok?" Dante fiddles with the strap on his backpack, continuously trying to fix it.

"Ok.. I won't laugh?" I tell him, but sounded more like a question. I was confused, and wondering what he wanted to say that would make me laugh.

"Ok, the thing is.. you're really nice and I enjoy spending time with you. I like our early morning runs, even though we've only had one and a half" I smile at him. He likes spending time with me.

"But the thing is... I want to spend more time with you. So, will you go out with me tomorrow?"

I was baffled.

He wanted to go out with me? Why?

"Because, I want us to work. I really like you. And like I said I want to spend more time with you" Dante answers. Did I say that out loud?

Nevertheless, I smile. He wanted us to work. He likes me.

"Sure" I give him the answer as we enter the cafeteria.

"I'll tell you more about it on our run tomorrow?" I nod and we both make our way to the tables we sit on.

Lottie and Caden were no where to be found while Blake was typing away on his phone.

"Where the others?" I ask him.

"Line" he answers. His tone sending a small chill down my spine. "So, you know that new kid? What's his name, Lante? Its a weird name" He puts his phone down and opens his laptop.

His ice like tone adding heat to my body.

"Its Dante" I was getting irked

"Yeah, whatever. Don't care" I've never seen him like this. Did I do something? No...

"Why are you being like this"

"Like what?" His eyes never once leaving the screen of his laptop.

"Cold. Did something happen?" I ask. No answer. "Look at me" his eyebrows were furrowed but continued looking at his screen.

"Blake, look at me" I take his face in my hands and turn his face to face me.

Anger. Hurt?

"Did something happen?" I ask him again.

"I said no, alright! Nothing happened! Just go do whatever you want" He took my hands off his face and put his earbuds in his ears. I knew perfectly well that he was not listening to anything. He knew that I knew he was not listening to anything.

"Hey, you're back" Lottie greets as she puts her food down at the table. I could tell that Lottie and Caden could sense the unexplainable tension in the air. "what happened?" She asks, looking between Blake and I.

"Apperantly nothing" I look at Blake one last time and walk out of the cafeteria.

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