ONE - The New Kid

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~The New Kid~

I'm pretty sure when you go to a doctor's office, you shouldn't feel worse than you already do. The office should make you relax as if saying "don't worry, you're in good hands". But no, not this office. The ugly yellow colour on the walls made me feel worse than I already felt. It looked as though someone had painted the walls with mucous.

"Jacqueline West?" A nurse calls out my name. I stand up and follow the lady towards a room to wait for my doctor. My dad stayed seated in the waiting room, allowing me to have my privacy.

"Hi Jackie, how are you today?" Dr. Smith, my family doctor, asks as she walks in reviewing my folder.

"Wouldn't need to be here if I was feeling any better" I try to joke as she smiles at my response, urging me to tell her the problem. "I think I came down with something. I couldn't stop sneezing last night, it is a bit better now, but I couldn't sleep last night."

"And any coughing? Headache?" She asks as she checks my heartbeat with her stethoscope.

"yeah, coughing now and then and I had a massive headache last night. Again, it is a bit better now" I answer as she continues to check my throat and ears.

"Ok well, there's nothing to worry about. Just seems like a common cold. I'm prescribing you antibiotics. Make sure to take one each day for a week with plenty of water. You'll be good as new in no time" She gives me a comforting smile while lightly patting my back.

I follow her out the door towards the dad. She hands him the prescription. "She's fine, just a common cold. Just get her this medication I prescribed her" she then turns to me and gives me a stern stare "and yes, you can go to school. Don't give your dad too tough of a time alright?" My dad and her chuckle at her comment, while I can't help but give a half-assed smile.

After sincerely thanking her for her service and picking up my medication from the pharmacy, my dad drops me off at school. I tried my best to reason with him why I shouldn't go, but stubborn is his middle name.

Despite him not listening to me, I can't help but love my dad. He's taken care of me on his own since I was 3. Sure, he had some help from family and friends, but it still doesn't compare to the sacrifices he had to make to raise me. I will forever be grateful for my dad.

I make my way to my locker and grab my books. I had an assignment due today, and surprise, surprise. I forgot to do it. I make my way to the washroom since that was the only place, I knew no teacher would bother me as I tried to get as much done. As I get to the last question, I hear the cries of a kid coming from next door. The boy's bathroom.

To say I'm surprised is an understatement. I don't remember any girls getting pregnant, nor did I hear of any guy getting someone pregnant. Unless of course, a teacher brought their kid to school. But then wouldn't they go to the staff washroom...? Maybe I should have stayed home after all. I did tell my dad I wasn't feeling well.

Shaking my head, I put in my earphones to ignore the cries, I work on the last question on my assignment. Once I finish, I quickly put my books in my bag and make my way towards my class. I was only 20 minutes late... only.

I walk in class to see everyone surrounding Blake Archer, all of their eyes on the kid in his arms. He resembled him quite a bit. They both had the same green eyes and a similar tan complexion. It seemed as though I was looking at a younger version of Blake. Why did he bring his brother to school?

"Jackie," My teacher acknowledges my presence "You're late"

"Sorry, I had a doctor's appointment" I hand him the excuse note Dr. Smith had written for me. I turn to make my way towards my seat, but I end up staying in place.

The little kid seemed maybe about 3 to 4 years old. His brown hair falling into his eyes. His big green eyes staring at me intently. He finally lets out a big grin and jumps up from Blake's arm. Blake instinctively grabs his arm again, afraid he'll fall. "Mommy!"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Everyone in my class turns to look at me, mirroring my confusion. I look behind me, only to confirm that he was in fact referring to me.

"I wanna go to Mummy!" The kid exclaims. Blake happily brings him over to me and he lands in my arms. "Mommy, where'd you go? I missed you, I was so scared!" He nuzzles his face in my neck.

I could hear the side remarks from my classmates. "Nice going Blake!" "Damn I didn't even know they talked" "Wait, so does that mean she got pregnant at 14?" "But doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"He's not my kid" I snapped at them, while gently placing him on a desk. He looked up at me teary-eyed. "I- I mean-" I stammer, feeling the sadness from his eyes. He shoves his face in my stomach and starts sniffling softly.

"I- I'm sorry, that's not what I meant" I tell him. HUH? 'That's not what I meant'? That's exactly what I meant. Why am I lying to him? He was cute and I really would not mind if he was my kid but in the future.

"Can I show you guys what I made? You promised I could show it to you today!" He looks between Blake and I, asking innocently with pleading eyes. Unsure of what to expect, I nod "uh- Sure" the little boy doesn't spare a second to jump off the desk, running towards his bag by the teacher's desk.

"So, who's kid is this?" I ask everyone else, as he rummages through his backpack.

"Apparently yours and Blake" Caden, Blake's best friend answers, while trying to hold in a laugh.

"Ok, I'm ready! Come here and close your eyes!" He motions us to come closer with one hand while hiding something behind his back. Both Blake and I, drop to his eye level, closing our eyes. We finally open them once he tells us he's ready.

This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I open my eyes to a picture of a couple holding a baby in their hand. It was stuck onto a handmade frame that was clearly made by a little kid. The weird part was, the couple looked a lot like Blake and me so there was no wonder he mistook us for his parents.

"That's freaky" Blake comments. "But kinda cool"

"You don't like it?" The boy asks with sad eyes.

"No, no, of course, we do" Blake and I both tell him, not wanting him to cry.

"Chris?" Blake asks, reading the name written on the frame. The boy looks at him. "It's lovely. I love it"

He hugged both of us as tight as a little boy could.

"Please don't leave me again" he kissed my cheek then Blake's.

Where are his parents?

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