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Us Three

The dark night was well lit with the blue and red lights from the police cars and paramedic's van. The loud noise of the sirens drowned out the voices of several people passing by, trying to get a look at the two injured people, coming up with their own stories about what happened.

Blake sat beside me as Chris cried hysterically in his arms. He had his arms wrapped tightly around Chris's waist, desperately trying to hold back his tears. Both Chris and my face wet with tears as Blake tried to comfort us, while Officer Clay handcuffed the lady and the man, making them enter a police car. The lady looked at Chris before looking at me, giving me a smile before getting in the car. Her tear glistened in the light.

"You're safe now. I'm never letting you go" Blake mumbled on top of Chris's head, kissing his head, comforting him as one of the paramedics tended to my cuts. Chris's cut already taken care of. One look at Blake and I could tell he would break any moment, yet he tried his hardest to hold it in. Trying to be strong for both Chris and me. I reached my hand free hand out, brushing Blake's hair back as both of the boys continued to hold on tight to each other.

"You guys did a great job today!" Officer Clay walks over to us, offering us a small comforting smile. "You called us at just the right time. We also got your emergency call, Jackie. The dispatcher heard everything" He tried hard to comfort us with words that didn't just seem like a formality. "I'm super proud of you kids"

"What's going to happen now?" I asked, my voice cracking as Blake and Chris look up.

"Both you and Chris were stabbed, so you could take them to court if you wanted to. But we also have clear evidence through his little statement he gave and the evidence from the dispatcher thanks to your emergency call. So, I'm sure they'll be locked up for at least 14 years." Officer Clay's eyes wandered to Chris. "You doing ok, buddy?"

"I don't want to go to the bad mommy and daddy. They hit me and they hurt mommy!" Chris cried out to him; I found my fists clenching at his statement.

As my right palm and arm are now bandaged, I smile a thank you to the paramedic as we get out of the van. Blake grabbing my left hand, still holding onto Chris. "Since I know you two, and you have been taking care of Chris. I'll let you take him home. But keep in mind, we'll be having to come up with a permanent place for him, you know now that his birth parents won't be able to care for him" He patted Blake lightly on his shoulder and offered me a small smile, ruffling Chris's hair before walking away to deal with the man and the woman.

"Are you going to leave me again?" Chris asks us. My hand reached to his back, lightly patting it "Of course not" I answer, knowing there was no way I would ever let him go again.


Chris had fallen asleep on our ride back to my house. I had called my dad, updating him quickly, letting him know Chris was with us. I could only imagine how Auntie would have reacted if I had called her instead. I received a message from my dad soon after saying he had called Blake's parents. With Lottie and Caden updated too, they were over at Blake's house, watching over Lucas.

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