THIRTY-SIX - The Epilogue

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 The Epilogue

As Mr. Philip started his class, the speaker turned on, Ms. Pine voice coming through "Could Jaqueline West please come down to the office, Jaqueline West down to the office please. Thank you" I turned to Lottie giving her a questioning look, getting up, as everyone else turned to me. Lottie shrugged her shoulders at me, as she mirrored my expression

"Can I come too?" Chris piped up, getting up from beside Pam and walking over to me.

"No, she has to go alone, Chris. How about you stay with me?" Blake grabs Chris as I walk out, thankfully Chris not fussing over it.

Walking to Ms. Pine's office, I felt my heart drop to my stomach. My gut told me I was in for something much more than I had expected. My suspicion was confirmed as I walked into her office and saw Officer Kiara and Officer Clay standing there.

"Is everything ok?" I ask them, my heart beating faster. Officer Kiara landed a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me "Jackie, before anything. I want you to remember you're only seventeen. You have a whole future ahead of you" She tries to smile at me, but the concern was written all over her face. She shared a nod with Officer Clay and they both led me to a room in the back.

My heart sank further as I saw Chris's birth mom sitting there, her head resting against her handcuffed hands, taking deep breaths as a pool of tears gathered on the table. "She's here" Officer Kiara's voice urged her head up.

For the first time since I had met her, I felt bad for her. She looked helpless beyond anything I had ever seen. I stood against the closed door behind me as Officer Kiara stood beside me. Officer Clay standing outside for security.

"Please take care of them. Protect them." She wasted no time to get her words out. "I know you might have a lot of questions about us. But I want you to know, I love Chris more than anything in this world! I -"

"Then why'd you leave him? Why'd you hurt him?" I couldn't stop myself from butting in and cutting her off.

"It wasn't something that I wanted to do! Do you really think I would hurt my own son-"

"He's not your son! You have no right to call him your son with the way you and your nasty ass husband treated him! He's my son!" She swallowed hard at my statement.

"That's why I'm begging you! I know you're seventeen. But I want him to be with someone he loves! Please, take care of them" Her head lowers. Officer Kiara walks over to her and she passes her an envelope.

She fidgeted with the envelope in her hand, continuously looking between her hands and myself.

"My husband cannot get a hold of them. I left Chris to protect him. Please, I'm begging you! I will sign over all the papers you need! Guardianship? Adoption? Anything! Please! Just take care of them!" 

Just what exactly was Chris's birth father...? Why was this lady so scared of him? "What are you talking about?" her confusing statements were messing with my mind.

"We have to get back." Officer Kiara stands beside the lady. The lady nods at Kiara and pushes the envelope towards me. "I'm sorry Jackie, but we need to go now" Kiara gives me a small smile.

"Please, I'm begging you! Keep them safe" The lady quickly yelled out as she walked out of the office.

I sat there for a while, unsure whether I should open the envelope. 

I walked back to my class as I questioned every little thought that crossed my mind. The contents of the envelope raising further questions. A picture of a blackbird with a bow and an arrow drawn on it. Beneath it, it read 'Raven May'.

My heart was beating fast and hard against my chest as I took a deep breath and re-entered my classroom. Everyone's eyes once again landed on me, but my eyes landed on Chris.

I walked straight up to him, the other picture that was included in the envelope constantly rushing through my mind. I pulled out his chain from under his shirt, recalling the image of the white clover leaf of our matching necklaces that was in the envelope.

I felt stupid. I noticed it had been missing, but I never questioned it. I thought he might have lost it or his birth-parents must have taken it.

Chris looked up at me with soft eyes, "the other mommy said blackbirds like white. So she gave it to Raven bird"


Hi guys!

Thank you for reading my first-ever story!  I really hope you enjoyed it. It's crazy to think how much has changed from when I first started this book. I was about 17 when I first started it and finally finished at 21... Loooong time. Regardless, thank you for sticking around! I really do appreciate it. I know this has a lot of typos. Hopefully, I'll get the chance to edit this and make it even better.

Thank you for all your support!

Look after yourselves, take care of your selves.

It's you before anyone else!

Love always,

Umi xx

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