TWENTY-SEVEN - Proposals

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I could just hear Chris's squeals as he would accidentally walk in on the two of us making out. Blake would make a weird joke that would send butterflies to my stomach while I would be embarrassed by the whole situation.

"Remind me to buy Chris ice cream when we see him again" Blake sits up, wiping the corner of his lip with his thumb, while I mirror his movement. Both of us trying to catch our breaths.

"Ice cream? Why?" His hair was messed all over, much worse than before if that was even possible. I could only imagine what kind of a mess my hair looked like. I brushed my fingers through my hair, hoping to fix it.

"I made a deal with him. The day we went on our little market date. I was going to officially ask you out and if he would be a good little boy at Lottie's, us three could be together all the time and that I'd buy him ice cream" His voice trailed as he realized what he had looked forward to. Us three. Would that still be possible?

"Get up, get dressed. We need to go to school. I heard you haven't been to school in a while either." I get up from the couch, adding a little skip to my step to jolt me up.

"Jackie," He pulls me back down to his lap. My eyes intently looking at his, waiting to hear what he has to say, "I'm sorry." I felt a twitch of a small smile, trying to comprehend why he was apologizing. "I'm sorry I left you alone. I'm sorry I didn't come to you when you needed me. I'm sorry I wasn't there"

A smile formed on my lips, my hand reaching up to lightly cup his face, brushing my thumb against the little stubble he had. It felt good. To touch him without hesitation. "I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I left you alone, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me"

"You've always been there when I needed you. You ditched your date for me" He smirked, squeezing me in his arms, placing multiple kisses on my cheek.

"Blake, school!" I was enjoying this. Much more than I feel like I should. I wanted to stay here. But we had to go.

"I don't need to go to school. I'm already a father. I'm just going to stay here with my..." He pressed a long, firm kiss on my lips "My girlfriend"

Although that sounded like music coming from his mouth, I pushed him off "You need to go to school so if you ever do run into your child, you can proudly tell him what you do. And what do you mean girlfriend? I was just here for a good time. Thanks for the kisses, I have to get going now" I get up from my spot, making way to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Blake sat there trying to grasp what happened while I drank the water, holding back a smirk. Blake stands up and rushed after me.

"So, you don't like me?" He towers over me. I shake my head no, continuing to drink my water. "I only like educated men"

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