EIGHT- Crushes

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I walk through the door at  9:00 pm on that Sunday night and hang the house keys where they belong. I heard a little mumble coming from the living room so I slowly walk towards it and see my dad sitting there with Lottie. I smile at him as I walk over to hug him.

"How was it?" I asked him as he hugged me back.

"It's nice to be home. It was tiring. I missed you girls. And Jackie, I thought no boys!" My dad scolded me. I looked at him confused at his statement. Did he see Blake drop me off?

"What are you talking about dad...? I'm not with any boy.." I told him as I sat across the couch from him.

"I know you're not but what about Lottie here? And this Caden boy?" He folded his arms over his chest as I chuckled at his reaction, letting out a sigh.

As if on cue, Caden walks into the room and sits on the couch beside me, wiping his sweaty hands on his pants.

"Are you ok?" I ask him, his hands catching my eyes. He nodded at my question, giving me a weak smile. The sweat was visible and I felt sorry for him, but it made me want to laugh.

"Sir, I just want to say that I will treat Lottie with complete respect, I will never make her cry, I will take care of her and make sure she's always happy" He tried to convince my dad but my dad gave him the biggest stink eye; he looked as though he would pounce on him at any given moment and murder him for even looking at Lottie.

I felt sorry for Caden at this point. I know that Lottie is not going to say yes to that date if dad disapproves of him. Blake's words go through my head once more "He's liked her ever since the start of high school." I might as well help him, dad was never going to approve. Caden looks like a guy who would play with girl's feelings but he really likes Lottie and I know for a fact that he won't do that.

"Come on Dad. Give him a break" I get up from the couch and sit on the armrest of the couch, gently massaging his shoulders to calm him down. "He's a nice guy. He won't hurt her. And trust me if he does, I'll kill him myself. Unless you want to... then I'll give you the gun or the knife or whatever you want to kill him with" I attempted at a joke which made Caden gulp down hard. I glance at Lottie to see her looking at Caden like she could kiss him, but she looked happy and I guess that's all that mattered. 

My dad got up from the couch and made his way towards Caden and he got up quickly as my dad approached him. My dad got up close and personal. "If you ever, and I mean EVER make her cry or hurt her in any possible way, I will find you and I will kill you. You will not play with my daughter's feelings and you will not be doing anything inappropriate with her. Do you understand me?" Dad poked his chest with force with every emphasis.

Caden nods vigorously as he stutters "y-y-yes sir", making me and Lottie giggle.

"Keep her happy. But this does not mean that I like you" My dad tells him as he makes his way out of the room "Good night girls"

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