THIRTY-THREE - For My Family

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For My Family

I wipe down the table, stacking up the plates, constantly looking back at the clock. 8:55 pm. Just five more minutes and then I could leave. I decided to take my time, slowly stacking the plates and setting them up for the next guests. The early dinner rush hour had already hit, and the employees prepared themselves for the late dinner rush.

It was soon about to be a month since Chris came back. Blake and I were ecstatic, trying to find every possible way to spend together with Chris. We often ended up at each other's houses after school, doing homework together, eating together, just about anything. Few days after Chris had come back, Blake and I sat down with our parents; letting them know about our decision to adopt Chris.

They all loved Chris very much, but they also loved us very much. They tried to talk some sense into us, telling us it wouldn't be easy, and we might ruin, not just ours, but Chris's future as well. All concerns that I had already voiced before. They had even tried to provide us with solutions such as one of them adopting Chris. But Blake and I both knew that wouldn't be right. Chris was our responsibility, and we were one hundred percent going to own up and work for it.

Blake soon filed adoption papers, being the only eighteen one between the two of us, and we both looked for jobs. Although our parents were well off, we knew we wanted to provide for Chris on our own, as our parents had done for us. Blake managed to land a job at a local bank as a teller and I landed up here, at The Whispering Flame, as a waitress, hoping it would help our case for adoption. I was glad it was one of the better restaurants since most people that came here had loaded wallets and were generous with tips; not to mention, generous with their nasty mouths as well. But I constantly reminded myself; it was all for Chris, it was all for my family.

"Jackie, do you mind taking that table's order? I have to go to the bathroom really bad; I promise you can go home after" My manager, Tate, comes up to me pleading. I smile at him and nod, making him run off.

I walk over to a table of girls, about my age, with their designer handbags, who seemed just about ready to spend all of their parents' cash. "He keeps messaging saying he wants to get back together. And I was like, why would I want to get involved with an abusive guy whose parents even disowned him. But I heard some guy in his school beat the shit out of him for coming on to his girl. So, I agreed to see him. Hopefully, he still has a bruise. He deserves it." A brunette twirled her hair, chewing her gum obnoxiously loud, smiling as she thought about the guy's pain.

"Hi, my name's Jackie. I'll be taking your order. What can I start you off with today?" I gave them my best server voice and smile. They all smiled sweetly at me, acknowledging my presence, "We've never been here before, what would you recommend for appetizers?"

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