Chapter 1: The Full Moon Bares Witness To The Intertwining Fate of its Children

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Legosi rubbed his eyes. It was completely dark out and he was still keeping watch for any staff as Louis instructed while he and Zoe the goat rehearsed.

"What am I doing here?" the wolf questioned. "I know I'm doing this for the drama club but..." Legosi couldn't stop pacing with the murder of his friend Tem fresh in his mind. He knew that if anyone saw him out this late they would most likely suspect him and even if that weren't the case he could still get in a lot of trouble for being out past curfew.

"Just calm down, you're not doing anything big, just helping to make the performance as good as it can be." he assured himself.


Elsewhere, Jack was on his way back to the dorms. Now, it wasn't like him to be out so late, however between his study group and tutoring, the time had completely gotten away from him.

"Oh man, I'm gonna be in so much trouble with the dorm mother," cried the golden retriever. "Still I'm glad that I was able to help those guys, and even happier that they trusted me and felt comfortable enough to be around me even with what happened."

Jack thought back to his tutoring session with the herbivore students and how much fun he had talking to them. He remembered how many of them were practically all over him trying to understand the class lectures. "Man, I'm gonna reek like deer for a week!" he joked, quietly laughing at the rhyme he just made.

Soon the young canine was in view of the fountain. The air was cold and an intense fog had rolled in, making his nocturnal vision practically useless.

"Good grief," he muttered. "I wish Legosi was here, he can see a lot clearer than me, not to mention his thick armor-like fur could help with the night air, he really is lucky he was born a wolf. Meanwhile I..." he stopped himself, not wanting to start feeling down.

Jack looked up and saw that a magnificent full moon was out. "Wow, would you look at that. I bet this moon would be enough to even make Legosi howl." He thought. "I wonder what he would sound like, maybe someday he will let me hear it".


Meanwhile a still pacing Legosi was going crazy. "Louis, what is taking you and Zoe so long? While you're in there, I'm out here just begging to get busted." he thought to himself. His pacing came to a halt when he spotted a nearby cricket. "Hey little guy, what are you doing here?" He asked playfully.

After a minute or two of playing with his new friend Legosi heard footsteps in the distance. He wasn't sure who could be out this late and hid behind one of the theater pillars.

"Shit!" he yelled in his head. "Should I tell Louis? Should I leave? Should I check it out?" The wolf was panicking as to what he should do. Almost immediately his nose caught the scent of what was coming. He stopped and took a deep inhale.

"Deer, was it Louis? No, he should still be inside. Whoever it is shouldn't be here, don't they know it's dangerous? Maybe I can just scare them away." The wolf thought. He walked out from the pillar and saw a small figure coming, the fog making it impossible to see who it was.

The wolf adopted a hunched over pose (more so than usual) and crept forward. Part of his mind told him he should head back to his room, but with the predation incident still lingering in every part of his mind, he continued forward. He didn't want there to be another victim of a carnivore that gave in to their instincts.

Legosi, taking a pouncing stance thought that if he could just make whoever this was go away, they would both be safe.


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