Chapter 24: In the Dog House

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It had been a week since everything went to hell and the festival was just two days away. The drama club was hard at work getting everything ready, and to the school's surprise, it was turning out better than they thought possible. The giant dinosaur props looked incredibly realistic, the stage for the show was well decorated, and the meteor itself was by far, as it should be, the most eye-catching.

Of course, the same could not be said for those working behind the scenes. All the club members from the actor's team to the art team were out of synch, so much so that even they wondered how they managed to get everything done. Aoba couldn't think straight, Juno was incredibly depressed, Kai and Kibi wouldn't make any sort of eye contact, and Louis wasn't nearly as hands on as usual which caused the entire club to go into complete disarray.

Truthfully, if it wasn't for the other leader figures such as Bill, Dom, and even Legosi, things would have been a lot worse.

Bill was able to make sure that the actors knew the steps to the meteor dance thanks to Ells and Sheila helping out. He worked with Juno since she was the lead actor and needed to learn the routine, while Ells and Sheila worked with the backup dancers.

Meanwhile, Dom oversaw the costumes along with Kai despite the fact that the mongoose was Legosi's partner. Dom was worried that the Kai would hurt himself with the enormous amount of electrical wiring that needed to be done, especially with his current state of mind.

Legosi figured that it would help the small carnivore take his mind off things by having him work on something different, and it helped that the members who usually made them were friendly enough to teach Kai the tricks of the trade.

As for Legosi, he had Kibi work with Fudge on making and painting the meteor itself while he and a few other members worked on the dinosaurs. The wolf was happy that members from the other teams were comfortable enough to give him support and were able to do as good a job as his normal team.

Truth is, the real reason why everything was able to get done was because the whole club was able to come together and work on projects they had little experience in. Needless to say, this made everyone feel closer to each other and appreciate what each team normally had to do.

It was a true testament as to how much the drama club meant to its members. The unity the club represented really was real and was practiced by its members. The whole school was impressed with what they did despite the dark cloud that hung over them and some students even considered joining them.


As for Louis, he was sitting in his office since he was taking a back seat from club activities. He wanted to use his time to think of ways he could make amends to the club members he'd wronged because of his actions and ideals.

The problem however was that he had little to no trust with said members, making it all the harder. Even Legosi, who would ordinarily be a good animal to start with, didn't want anything to do with the deer after their fight.

"Sigh, what a mess," Louis said to himself. "I finally figured out what's wrong with me, but it came at the expense of just about everyone I know."

The red deer picked up the school newspaper he bought. "I'm glad the club is doing a wonderful job, but I can't stand seeing it in such chaos. If only I could figure out a way to apologize to everyone without it sounding sarcastic or straight out of nowhere. I could just say I'm sorry, but then it would seem like I'm saying it just to say it."

Louis put the paper down. "No, I need to apologize to them in a way that lets them know I've changed... and that I want to make it up to them. The question is, how do I do that? How do I undo the mistakes I've made and how do I win back the trust I've lost?"

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