nya ichi ni san nya arigotooooo

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ronald gazed into the dark night sky. It was nearly midnight, the time for for his brethren to arrive. Suddenly, a bright red glow began to emit from the pitch black sky like those scary airplane towers. They had arrived. A beam of light shined down towards the old, broken down mcdonalds. ronald squinted and managed to make out a large group of red-haired clowns dressed in yellow jumpsuits in one of the ship's windows. he smelled blood. and chicken nuggets with a hint of ketchup. or was that more blood? disregarding the confusing smells, ronald began to stride towards the glowing ship in his large red clown shoes adorned with bright mustard-yellow laces which matched those of his fellow clowns. ronald licked his lips, thinking of the food that came from his clown infested planet. he also thought of the man who he had killed, donald j trump. donald came from a neighboring planet in his solar system inhabited by poorly spray tanned, obese, coca cola addicted aliens that enjoyed golf, greed, and gallavanting. the three gs of their planet. what gallavanting was? ronald had no clue. after all, he was merely the son of god. 

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