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Jimin sighed as he stepped out of the library. His lips jitted out in worry staring the dark sky. Even though it's barely 6 in the evening, the sky is as dark as late night sky. The novel he was reading was very engaging, he lost track of time.

He leaned against the door and called his driver. The bell rings and rings until it ends. He pouted staring the phone and tried again. The driver didn't answer this time either. Jimin tilted his head in confusion. This hasn't happened before.

His driver is always on time, he always waits for Jimin by his classroom door. He is never late or absent. His driver knows better than to face his father's anger. Jimin gathered his books and decides to walk towards the main gate hoping that the driver would arrive soon.

It's Friday evening, most of the students have already left. Maybe with plans to enjoy the weekend. Jimin doesn't have any plans for the weekend. He wishes to finish all the presentations and assignments that he has been avoiding for weeks and hopefully get some sleep.

"Jungssi where are you?" He whispered as he tried to call his driver again. Jimin bites his lips trying not to think about worst case scenarios.
"I hope he is ok." Jimin mumbled sitting down on a vacant chair, placed in front of the gate.

He sighed rubbing his stomach. His abdomen is aching since morning and he even threw up the salad, he had for lunch.
"Weird." He thinks pulling his sleeves up. It's so windy and chill but still his body is hot.
"Can this day be over already." Jimin whined checking the time.

He stared the empty ground waiting for the driver. Time passes and still there is no response from his driver.
He lets out loud sigh staring the university building. He is pretty sure that even janitor must have left the place by now.

On top of everything he feels tired and dizzy. His skin feels hot to touch. He opens his zipper a bit to let air in. The cool air brings some relief but the pain grows. He pressed his bag against his stomach trying to get some relief.

"That's my chair." Someone spoke from behind him. Jimin stood up immediately and bowed.
"Sorry." He mumbled looking at the security guard. The tall alpha smirked and dragged the chair towards the security cabin. He put the chair next to cabin's door.
"Nah, it's my spare chair. You can sit on it." The alpha said patting the chair.

Jimin stared the chair and then back at the smiling alpha. He doesn't like being told what to do, specially by an alpha but he doesn't have any idea when his driver will show up and standing in rain doesn't seem like a good idea. On top of everything his legs feel like jelly.

He reluctantly agrees to sit and mumbles a thank you. The alpha walks inside the cabin and switches the music on.
"So why are you still here?" He asked bringing a chair from inside and placing it next to Jimin's. Jimin squirmed and turned to look at the gate. The man is sitting very close for his liking. He pretends he didn't hear the question and busies himself with his phone.

"Waiting for someone?" The man asked again, his breath fans Jimin's collarbone. Jimin bit his lips and zips his hoodie up, irritated by this man. He called his driver again but the man isn't answering him. He sinks down on the chair disappointed.

'What a horrible day.'  He thinks bouncing his legs. It's really late and he should have been home by now. He thinks of hiring a cab but then his mother wouldn't be happy.
Better late than travelling with a stranger.

"Are you an omega?" The guard asked patting Jimin's shoulder. He cringed at the word. He doesn't like being addressed like that. No one but his mother calls him that. It makes him feel so uncomfortable, it makes him feel lesser and weaker than others. Jimin hates being an omega. He never wanted to be one.

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