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"This place is so mesmerising, it's heaven Tae."
"Don't say that. Goddess may not like it."
"Why are you always so serious. You changed a lot Taehyung."
"My Prince, I can't be informal with you. It's treason."
"Ok." Jimin breathed following him timidly.

Taehyung lead them through the roughlands. It's a peaceful night, the sky, the never-ending land, the distant melody of flowing river, green meadows dancing to beats of cold breeze, everything is so beautiful. Jimin loves being here, he cherishes every second he spends here with his lover. It soothes and torments him at the same time. He knows this wont last forever.

They need to let go.

He winces as he stepped on a pointed stone, the path is filled by thorny shrubs and sharp gravels. His new silk hanbok keeps getting stuck in the unforgiving bushes.

But Taehyung continues, oblivious to Jimin's misery.

Jimin was never really fond of silk, it's chaotic and troublesome. It's a bondage, just like the person who gifted this to him. The Queen mother forced him to wear this jewel crusted silk hanbok. She wants the King's future mate to dress like royalty. She wants the world to see their riches, she wants Jimin to dress up and impress the masses. But Jimin, he only has attention on one soul and wants all of their attention on him.

The gap between them increases as Tae walked ahead while Jimin trailed behind trying to handle his hanbok.
The white pearl laces keeps getting stuck in the thorny bushes, it seems as if these mischievous plants are messing with him.
He is here to spend time with his lover and not to wrestle with little plants in the field.

He pulled the hanbok forcefully and ran, trying to catch up with Taehyung's long stride. In hurry, he stepped on his hanbok and tumbled on to the path, scratching his knees.

"Ahh Tae!" He cried in pain.
"My Prince." Tae shouted rushing towards him.
"I think I hurt my knees." Jimin whispered.
"Can you stand up." Tae asked worriedly. Jimin shook his head trying to control tears.
"Please." Tae whispered sadly. His tear filled eyes shines in the moonlight.
"Don't cry Taehyung." Jimin whispered planting his palms on ground. It's painful, he can't even bent his knees but Jimin pulls himself up and stands. He can't bear his lover's tear.

Tae lifts his hands to hold him but stops himself. He looks away from Jimin's exposed leg and murmurs a quite apology trying to hold back tears.
"I won't be able to walk."  Jimin murmured sadly. Tae kneeled on the ground and stared moon with folded hands. Jimin reaches forward to hold his shoulder but Tae dodges his touch immediately. He gazes Jimin with pleading eyes.
"My Prince." He whispered desperately.
"I ...... I will do anything for you Taehyungah, don't cry please." Jimin whispered blinking back tears. He limps and takes few step.
It hurts so bad but Jimin can't be here any longer. He needs to go back to palace before dawn. Tae holds his sleeves and lead him to river.


"No one is here. You can touch me." Jimin whispered as he washed his wounds.
"I can't my Prince. Goddess won't be happy with it. Even my shadow shouldn't fall on you." Taehyung was facing away from Jimin.
Jimin stared his reflection on the river surfaces.
"Goddess chose us to be together. If anything she will never forgive them for seperating us..... For tearing down our fate." He sniffled tying his hanbok.
"My Prince."
"Stop calling me that Taehyung." Jimin interrupted.
"You are my majesty's future mate." Tae murmured.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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