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"Jiminshi your cycling is.... Different....it felt like wind surfing." Taehyung declared as Jimin got down from the bike.

"Hey it's my first time. Don't be so rude." Jimin pouted.

"Goodness! Jiminshi you never rode a bike before and you were cycling in the middle of a crowded road." Tae said dramatically widening his eyes.
"So what?" Jimin questioned.
"I don't have an insurance." Tae replied. Jimin frowned and looked away.

"Taehyungshi, I didn't know you were capable of being rude." He murmured.

"Jiminshi I was just teasing, Sorry." Tae replied looking down at his feet. Jimin burst into laughter, he patted Tae's shoulder. "Me too." He said giggling. Tae smiled at him.

"Jiminshi, I have never interacted with people so freely. This is new to me, if I do something wrong please point it out." He whispered.
"Oh." Jimin clicked his tongue and stood closer. He gently squeezed Tae's shoulder. "Same here." He sighed gazing Tae's eyes. "And don't worry about insurance, my family is rich." He smirked.

"Money can't buy you life."
"But it can delay death."

Taehyung raised his eyebrow. "You are weird." He commented with straight face.
"Oh you are being rude again. I am going home." Jimin pouted and pushed the gates.
"No! Jiminshi." Tae stumbled forward to catch his wrist.
"What is it Taehyungshi?" Jimin said still facing the gate.
"Can we be like this?" Tae asked.
"Like what?" Jimin asked.
"Friends.. good friends."
"And why should we be friends?" Jimin asked.

"Because it's comforting, I feel so relaxed when I am with you."
"But we only talked twice." Jimin countered.

"I know." Tae murmured after a while.
"And you keep being rude to me." Jimin accused. Tae let go of his hands and exhaled deeply.
"Sorry. Jiminshi I am very sorry." He said looking at the sky. Jimin doesn't reply, he is still facing the gates and Tae can't see his expression.

'Maybe this was a stupid idea.' Tae thinks.

"Uh... Goodnight Jiminshi." He said peddling the bike.
"Hey! You, wait." Jimin turned around immediately.
"Where are you going? I was kidding." He said holding Tae's arms. Tae almost slipped from the bike but Jimin held him from falling. "I was joking too and yes I really want to be your friend, maybe best friend." Jimin let out.

"Thanks Jiminshi." Tae smiled.
"But you should know one thing about me, sometimes I am really blunt and I may say hurtful things but don't take it in a wrong way. Ok?" Jimin asked nervously.
"Ok Jiminshi." Tae nodded.
"And what about you?"
"Me..?" Tae asked.
"Anything that I should know about you?" Jimin asked.
"Oh I don't like talking." Tae murmured.
"Huh." Jimin stared him confused. "Mm It's ok sometimes even I don't like talking but that's only because I hate people. But we can make it work. Anything else?" Jimin asked.

"Uhhh some days like very rarely... You know when things get really horrible.... Please take care of me." Tae admitted shyly.

"Take care you... As in, to feed you?"

"Uh... Something like that." Tae himself was not sure what he meant.
"Of course I will do that and Taehyungshi, you are adorable. Is there something else?"
"No Jiminshi." Tae murmured shyly.
"Fine, let's seal the deal." Jimin said pulling him into a tight sidehug. Tae stumbled forward almost falling. Jimin gasped holding onto Tae tightly. "I guess I need to tone down my energy a bit." He mumbled. Tae shook head and hooked his left arm around Jimin's waist. "You are perfect Jiminshi."
"We both are." Jimin smiled pulling apart.
The moment is interrupted by the blares of horn. Jimin peaked through the railings to see his father's car leaving through the main gate.
"I need to go before Mr Jung returns." He admitted sadly.
"Your driver?" Tae asked.
"Okay then see you tomorrow. Goodnight Jiminshi." Tae smiled.
"Sweet dreams Taehyungshi." Jimin waved. He pushed the gate open and turned to see Taehyung staring at him.
"Not in a hurry, I guess." He giggled.
"Nope." Tae replied.
"It's cloudy, go home before it rains." Jimin replied stepping in.
"I will." Tae replied.
"Go." Jimin whispered leaning against the gate.
"After you." Tae mouthed. Jimin gazed him silently, his cheeks dusting pink.

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