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"Heat?" Tae asked with furrowed brows.

"Congratulations, on his first heat." The woman smiled.

Tae opened his mouth to reply but nothing came to his mind. He stared at her, confused. Why is this woman congratulating him and why is she so happy? What is so special about first heat?
The woman raised her eyebrows and gave him an amused look, maybe his face gave him away.

"You know about heats. Right?" She asked skeptically.
"Only what I read in the books." Tae shrugged.
"Oh ok. How long have you both known eachother?" She asked.
"Since middle school?"
"Oh my! first love? That's beautiful." She replied enthusiastically.
"We are not....."

"Excuse me my omega is in labor." A man interrupted him.

"My name is Kim Seokjin and this is my omega Kim Namjoon. Please help us." He said frantically tapping the desk.
"Yah Jinnie!!! DO SOMETHING!!!" Namjoon shouted punching his husband.
"Baby hold on." Seokjin rubbed his back.
"OH GOD!!!! THE BABY IS COMING OUT. AH EOMMA!!!!" Namjoon shouted.

"Relax my baby." Seokjin whispered kissing Namjoon's forehead.
"Oh eomma my stomach hurts. I can't do this." He sobbed leaning against his husband.

Tae gulped seeing the sobbing omega and his desperate alpha. His heart is racing because of the sight. The omega is in so much pain. Their distressed scent fills the hall. Taehyung feels so restless, he wants to help them.

"Hold on, the stretcher is here." The alpha receptionist said.

Seokjin picked Namjoon and placed him on the stretcher. The nurses checked his pulse and pushed the stretcher away.
"Kim Seokjin I won't give birth, if you are not coming with me." Namjoon shouted as they pushed the stretcher towards the labour room.
"Baby I am coming, just let me fill the forms." Seokjin cried cupping his cheeks.

"First pregnancy?" The receptionist asked typing their details.
"Yes but he was due next month." Seokjin said wiping his tears.
"Relax Mr Kim it's completely normal. Everything will be fine, just go support your omega and congratulations."
"I can't wait to meet my twins." Seokjin said with a bright smile. He bowed and ran towards the labour room.

"First heat and first pregnancy. What a wonderful day. I feel blessed." The receptionist sighed.
"Huh?" Tae said.
"Circle of life, young alpha. Heat means that an omega is fertile and ready to bring a new life to the world." She explained.
Tae nodded. He knows that much about heat.
"It's a transition... Um a new phase of life. An omega needs to be loved and taken care of during heats. Feed him with nutritious food and be close to him. Alpha's physical proximity can calm their distress during heat." The woman explained.
"Oh! ok." Tae replied.

"First heat is very special for every omega. We organised a little party for my omega sister and it was so wonderful."
"I didn't know that." Tae said.
"You don't find these things in text books. Make him feel special, shower him with love." The woman smiled at him.
"Oh sure. umm..! How long will he have to stay here?" Taehyung asked looking towards the room where they took Jimin.
"Probably three hours."
"Why?" Tae exclaimed.
"Don't worry. He will be put on drip after they give him suppressant. He needs to rest for a while." She explained.
Tae bowed and walked towards the waiting area.

He was intrigued by the information. He always thought heat as a normal biological cycle but then he knows nothing about omegas. Jimin is the only omega he interacted with, in a long time.

His omega father died during his birth and all his siblings are alphas just like him. There is not a single omega in his house, not even the maids and that's why Taehyung is hesitant when it comes to omega. He hopes Jimin is not creeped out by his behaviour.
He falls asleep as soon as he sat down on the chair. The steel chair is uncomfortable but his exhausted, sore body finds comfort in the crumbled space.

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