Love's story

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"Someone help him." The words remain unsaid.

"You are such a fool! You had everything in your palms but your selfishness ruined it all."

"No stop."

"My beloved this will be the greatest wedding gift ever given, starting our life with the end of treachery."

The silence is filled by hails of victory, praises of valour and shouts of joy. In the shadows, lurked people who lamented the moment, whispering chants and wishes but their prayers remain unheard. Even the the sun took refuge behind the dark unforgiving cloud, unable to withstand his silent sobs.

"In the name of my beloved I shall give you freedom from this cursed life."

The blade flashes, shining under the celestial fire, piercing through......

"NO!!" Jimin shouted getting up. He buried his face on his shivering palms and wailed. "Why! why! why me."

"For fucks sake, leave me alone." He cried clawing the mattress. He reached over the nightstand searching his pills, instead he finds the peacock pendent Tae gifted him. He clutched it harshly hoping that the pain will wake him up from this cruel nightmare.

Jimin had been tortured by this haunting dreams since childhood. No amount of medication or therapy ever really helped him to completely escape his mind's self made prison. Every time it starts with a new scenario but end is always the same... death and for the first time death had a face.

The nightmares had stopped since his heat. Jimin's mind was somehow coming to terms that he is finally free from it, only for it to be tormented with greater force.

The moon peeks through partially open curtain, shinning on him from far away. He leaned against the headboard, trying to calm his heart.

Park Bogum.... Why does this man keeps on appearing in Jimin's dream? Why him of all people? Why that face? Jimin only met him once and that too a day ago. How come this man keeps on appearing in his nightmares for years now..... And why does he keeps hurting Jimin. Just the thought of the scene brings tears in his eyes.

Most importantly why did Tae warn him against Park Bogum.

Even though the events are unreal and maybe result of Jimin's fucked up sleep schedule, he wants to mourn. His omega is desperate and restless. The scenes were painful, it was cruel. He wonders whether it was once someone's reality.

He picked his phone, trying to wipe the snot with the back of his hand. His mind and soul still stuck in his dreams. He doesn't think twice before dialing Tae.

The bell keeps on ringing, Jimin feels regretful for disturbing Tae in the middle of the night but he doesn't end the call. The monotonous ring from the other side is somehow managing to calm him, distracting his mind from reality. The bell ends and Jimin dials again, eyes trained on the moon gazing down at him.

"Hello...." Tae's sleepy deep voice answers him. He remains silent, listening to shuffles and ruffles from Tae's side.
"Minah!! Did you butt call me?" Tae let's out airy giggles and Jimin can feel his own lips stretching upwards.
"Ahh cute, you must be asleep. Sleep tight my Prince I will meet you tomorrow." Tae whispered.
"No." Jimin panicked. "I am here. I was distracted by your sleepy voice."

"You are awake!!! Didn't my voice scare you?" Tae whispered.
"Why do you say that?" Jimin pouted
"Well I have been told my voice is intimidating."
"Who the fuck lied to you? Tae your voice is so soothing, it reminds me of waterfalls." Jimin replied laying back.
"Ahh Jiminah, you are so kind." Tae sighed.
"Hm." Jimin hummed staring the ceiling. "Your voice is wonderful Taehyungah, it's already healing me." He murmured absent mindedly.
"Healing? Jiminah is everything ok?"
"Nightmare... Really scary." Jimin murmured.
"I am coming."
"No, it's late. Stay there." Jimin warned.
"But Jiminah...."
"No, Tae it's two in the morning and you coming here at this time will scare me more." Jimin pouted.
"Ok Jiminah, but how are you feeling?"
"Better.... I have dream anxiety disorder,... was under treatment. It has been fine for a while...." Jimin let out shaky breaths.

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