Begin Again

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"Why are you out here?"

Jimin gulped, trying to press himself closer to wall. He wish he had stayed home. Tolerating Park Bogum was better than getting caught sneaking into a stranger's mansion in the middle of the night. They might even call cops on him and then his family would be involved too. Oh Jimin can already picturize his grandparent's scandalous expression.

"Taehyung I asked you something." The voice repeated sternly.

Jimin is relieved to an extent, atleast this man knows Taehyung. He can make up some lie and escape this place. Maybe never comeback again.

"Taehyung?" The man calls again.

"Can't sleep." Tae replied.

In the darkness, Jimin couldn't actually make out, that if this is a conversation or if it is recording.
"Why are you out of your room?" The man asked. His voice is agitated.
"I just wanted to spend some time in the garden." Tae replied.

"I don't care what you want or not. Don't cause more stress, I can't keep up with your....." The voice trails hesitantly.
"I know." Tae mumbled.

By now Jimin's vision have adjusted enough to see Tae's figure standing behind the curtains. The steps retreats away and it becomes quite again.

"Minah..." Tae whispered tapping the window frame.
"Is it safe?" Jimin whispered, trying to find Tae. He traces along the sill untill his hand land on top of Tae's.
"Hmm." Tae reached forward, snaking his arms around Jimin's waist. "Hold me." He whispered, gently lifting Jimin off ground.
"Oh." Jimin breathed, hooking his arms around Tae's shoulder. Tae doesn't let go, even when Jimin is inside the room. "You are here." He whispered.
"Yeah." Jimin replied shyly.
"For me?"
"Hehe..... Minah.... You care for me." Tae giggled.
"Of course I do." Jimin replied tapping his nose.
Tae swirled him happily, making Jimin giggle.

"Yah.... You.... Put me down." Jimin laughed.
"Thanks" Tae whispered. He puts Jimin down and closed the window.
"How are you feeling Tae? And sorry I put you in trouble." Jimin mumbled.
"It's ok Minah, I was bored only." Tae replied, switching the lights on. "They locked me inside..... Told me not to come out untill my rut is over." He said dragging a bean bag chair towards Jimin.

"What.... They locked you? Oh my god Tae did you eat? And how are you feeling?" Jimin asked concerned.
"Hoseok hyung stocked enough food and suppressants to last for a month. I took suppressants and now I feel absolutely normal." Tae said pointing the table.

Jimin isn't convenienced, he frowns and looked at the door. "Why would they lock you?" He murmured.
"They think I will go feral or something. My neighbour have three omega daughters, they think I ......"
"What the fuck." Jimin said pouting. "Sorry Taehyungie but you family is stupid, if they think this low of you." He said.

"You can't say that, ruts make people crazy." Tae smiled pushing him to sit down on the bean bag.
"I am here.... I am an omega. Now go feral." Jimin shouted. Tae hissed pressing his fingers on Jimin's lips. "Shh careful." He whispered pointing the door.
"It's ok Tae, let them hear me. I will teach them how to treat you." Jimin pouted. Tae smiled and pressed his forehead against Jimin's. "Cute." He whispered cupping his cheeks.
"It's not their fault Minah, they don't know me like you." He says gazing Jimin's eyes. "Anyways did you eat dinner?" Tae asked settling down in front of him. "Yeah.... You?"
"Yes." Tae replied pointing to the empty plates.

"Your family is no better than mine Tae." Jimin whispered holding Tae's wrist. He caressed the insides of his wrist and smiled warmly. "Congratulations on your first rut Taetae, welcome to adulthood." He whispered putting a blue stoned silver bracelet on Tae's wrist.
"What... Oh my god!!! Thank you." Tae gasped observing the blue stones.
"Aye don't mention." Jimin murmured shyly. He looked around to avoid Tae's gaze. The walls are adorned by mesmerising paintings and photographs of different shapes and colours. The room reeks of Taehyung's aura. "Damn Tae, you are one man there anything you cant do." Jimin jeered.
"I can't cook." Tae shrugged.
"Thank god." Jimin replied.

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