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"Where were you Jimin?" His grandmother asked as soon as he entered the living room.
"Library." He mumbled looking down.

"Jihyee, don't you think it's little late for omegas to be out. I don't know about new generation people but my mother would be alarmed if I came home during dinner time." The old lady said to Jimin's mother.
Jimin bit his lips preparing for more dagger like words.
"I was working on an assignment. The topic is new to me, so I was trying to understand the basics better." He replied.
"Is that so, you should have said something Jiminah. Next time if you have any trouble, we will hire you a personal tutor. Ok?" Jimin's father joined the conversation.
"O..okay dad."
"Go clean yourself, we will be having dinner soon." His mother said motioning him to leave (and not to join them). Jimin bowed them all and exited the room swiftly.

He let out a long sigh of relief as he walked away.
"Minshi, you forgot this." His maid said jiggling the paperbag.
"No, I didn't. I just didn't want them to bombard me with more questions." Jimin replied taking the bag from her. "And thank you Mrs Choi for bringing this to me."
"Ah it's my job Minshi but actually where did you go today?" The maid murmured looking around.
"College." Jimin replied confused.
"Sure and I am not a 50 years old beta." The woman replied walking away with a sly smile.
"Huh.... what's wrong with everyone." Jimin whispered grabbing a chocolate cookie from the paper bag.

He took a long warm shower and walked out of the bathroom with a bright smile. The suppressants and pills have finally done it's magic. It seems like all his pain and weaknesses just evaporated away. He checks his bare body's reflection in the mirror. It looks the same, nothing changed. He leaned forward and observed his abdomen and even poked it. He had learned that advent of heat brings physical changes especially on the hips. Jimin frowned staring his reflection, he looks as he looked yesterday. His waist is the still the same. Maybe even his body is resisting being an omega.

Jimin clicked his tongue annoyed, he thinks about how alphas doesn't have to go through this shit. They are privileged asses in every sense.

He zooms in closer and observed his face, something does look different. Is he glowing? He looks cuter though... Sexier maybe. Oh what's wrong with his face?

Jimin looked away shyly rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes fall on the paperbag on the bed. He sits by the foot of the bed and opened the bag. The peacock feather pendent reflects his bedroom's light. Jimin place it on his palms and admired the delicate stone work. It's majestic. How did Taehyung manage to find this treasure in such a short period of time?
He puts it on immediately and observed his reflection in the mirror. The emerald green and blue accentuates his smooth pale skin.

Jimin can't take eyes of the beauty. The pendent really makes him feel special. He was actually planning to put it in the closet and forget about it. It's not that Taehyung will ask him or something. But Jimin likes it, it's best gift he has ever received.

"It would be weird, if I roam around wearing this." He murmured tapping the pendent.

"Should save it for some special occasion." He mused.

"But what will Taehyungshi think? Um!!" Jimin sat on the floor and stared the chain adoring his neck.
"He must think that this arrogant omega threw his precious gift away... Oh and that's so rude." Jimin said rubbing his cheeks. For moments Jimin just stared his reflection in the mirror. He is mesmerised by himself but what's more important is, this is Taehyung's token of friendship. Somehow Taehyung managed to become part of  a milestone (even if unwanted) in his life. Taehyung, a stranger who made sure Jimin was taken care off during his most vulnerable moment. Even though they may not interact anymore Jimin will forever be grateful to Taehyung. He hopes someday he could help Taehyung too.

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