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Jimin spends the weekend locked in his bedroom. Even the delicious food and his comfortable bed didn't give any relief from the unbearable stress he had to endure. He felt restless and incomplete. His mind was overwhelmed by tonnes of conflicting emotions. He wanted to be left alone but at same time he craved warmth.

Jimin was lost in storms of an unknown feeling. A feeling of wanting something, a feeling of missing something, an underlying grief of losing something.

A feeling of being unloved, of being unwanted.

As usual nobody bothered to bother him. The only thing that changed was his mother's behaviour. She told Jimin's personal maid Mrs Choi to take offs. She cooked food for him and took care of his chores.

Jimin doesn't feel special, he knows that his mother doesn't trust him. She just wants to keep the beta away from him.  

Its well past Sunday night he realised that his bag is missing and he has to finish three pending assignments and need to prepare a draft for a research thesis. His body losses whatever strength it had just thinking about the impending doom that'll hit him on Monday morning.

It's dreadful to even think about the public humiliation his professors will subject him to. He is already on their red list for being careless in the class and also due to his deteriorating scorecards.

He closed his eyes hoping the night will never end.

As dreadful and scary it was, Monday morning did come and Jimin somehow finds himself standing in front of his classroom door. He lowered his head and walked towards the back of room. The secluded seat by the window is reserved for him, not officially but yeah no one really takes his place. It's perfect place to daydream without getting caught.

He placed the dairy (which he hurriedly picked while leaving his room) on the table and layed head on it. The classroom is filled with loud chatters of students sharing their weekend experiences. It's annoying and fascinating at the same time. Jimin wonders how these people were able to be in all these places in the just 48 hours.  Even without experiencing heat, Jimin always felt that 48 hours is just not enough to wash away the tiredness of the week.

Thinking of heat, he wonders if any of his classmates went through the same trauma or was he the only one who suffered.

The chatter quites down and the room becomes silent. The professor's loud voice fills the classroom. Jimin's head automatically turn to the other corner of the classroom. His eyes meet with those of the man who helped him two days ago. Taehyung gave him a small smile and little nod before turning towards the professor but Jimin's eyes were still on him. The sunlight seeping through Taehyung's brown curly long hair formed a halo over his head.

Taehyung looks celestial.

He looks good.

Maybe he sensed Jimin's sight on him, he turns again, their eyes meet but Jimin looks away immediately. His cheeks heating up in embarrassment. He covered his face with his palms and tried to concentrate on what the professor was saying.

"I know you had a tough week and weekend is usually for relaxation but I gave you this assignment about four weeks ago. It's disrespectful that you couldn't finish it on the given time. No other professor will give you this long to finish an assignment. Whatever the consequences are, it's you who brought this upon yourself and I must say that I am disappointed in you. Now, I am going to read the names of students who will have to meet me after the class and in this list there are three people who will attend the class only after I meet their guardians." The professor said. Jimin gulped and prepared himself.

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