Our Place

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"We need to go before it rains." Jimin whispered pulling away from the hug. He is surprised when he hears Tae whine at loss of contact.
"I don't think it will rain." Tae whispered. His voice is gentle and warm, Jimin has never heard him speak like this before.
"It's cloudy." Jimin replied.
"Hmm." Tae hummed gazing him intensely. He stepped closer tucking a strand of Jimin's hair behind his ear.
"I told you to wear warm clothes. You will catch cold Jiminshi." He murmured.
"I brought sweaters." Jimin said jiggling the bags. "I will put it on, when I feel cold." He smiled.
"Ok let's go." Tae breathed, stepping away.

"Wait Taehyungshi." Jimin rubbed his palms together and shyly stared Tae.
"Do you want to ride?" Tae asked stopping in his tracks.
"No!! no!!." Jimin gasped. He looked back at his home nervously.
"Let's go from here, I will tell you later." Jimin whispered swiftly walking away from the building.
"Jiminshi what happened?" Tae pushed the bike to walk closer to Jimin.
"Hungry." Jimin pouted tapping his stomach.
"Do you like street food?" Tae asked.
"I am not in a position to choose Taehyungshi, my stomach is on fire." Jimin giggled.

"Hop on." Tae said patting the seat. Jimin doesn't waste any time, he jumps into the pillion seat and held Tae's hoody.
"I am ready."
"Aye aye captain." Tae giggled riding the bike.

They ride through the cramped streets, something Jimin has only experienced within the closed doors of his cars. The street is livelier and warmer than what he expected. It's is filled with people spilling out of their offices, exhausted and relieved. Jimin observed their faces. Some are silent and walking by themselves. Some are animatedly chatting with their peers while some are busy typing away on their phones.

"Taehyungshi." Jimin tapped Tae's side.
"Yes Jiminshi."
"Is it always this crowded here." Jimin asked leaning forward.
"Yeah but it's nothing compared to Saturday evenings. You can't even walk an inch without being pushed around by the crowd." Tae replied.
"Oh!" Jimin replied staring the crowd.
"Do you not like crowded place, Jiminshi?"
"Ah!!! I am not used to it but I kinda like it, Taehyungshi. It looks interesting."
"On Sundays they have live band performances and food eating competitions."
"Oh really, sounds compelling." Jimin murmured leaning against Tae's back.

He closed his eyes trying to zone out of loud noises. He imagines himself to be the one coming out of the office, totally exhausted by numerous meetings and presentations he had throughout the day. He imagines himself to be stopping by one of the stalls, buying dinner along  with a bottle of cheap bear. He imagines himself taking crowded train to go back to his modest apartment in the outskirts of the city. He imagines himself to be welcomed by a beautiful warm smile.

Jimin's eyes shoot wide open. His heart is beating rapidly, for a moment he thinks it might leap out of his body. Why is this thought making his mind race? He has access to all the luxuries that money can buy, then why is he so excited by the thought of a normal life. People are willing to sell their souls just to be in his shoes but why does Jimin to be part of the crowd.

He whined nuzzling his face on Tae's back.
"You ok back there." Taehyung giggled.
"Hungry." Jimin pouted.
"Just 2 minutes." Tae said.

Tae drove through the narrow alleyway between the shops. The noises and lights gets dimmed as they move ahead.
"Woah this is a different world." Jimin commented staring the surrounding.
"Yeah, a better world." Tae whispered. He takes few turns before finally stopping the bike in front of a home.

"Is this your home?" Jimin asked as he followed Tae.
"No Jiminshi, I told you we are neighbours."
"I know but.... This looks like someone's home." Jimin whispered.

Tae opened the gate and lead Jimin inside. He motions towards the backyard and walked ahead.
"Taehyungshi, I am nervous." Jimin breathed.
"Don't be, we are here to eat Jiminshi. You will love this place, infact you will come back, soon." Tae assured him pointing to the stall in the backyard.

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