Unsaid Promises

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Tae reached home around 5 in the morning. He made sure that Jimin is safely inside his room before leaving to his place.

On their way back home, Jimin made him promise a countless time that they will be returning to the valley soon.

Taehyung has never felt this joyous before, Jimin accepted the place with whole heart and he seemed really happy being there. Not only was he able to cheer Jimin but also he found someone to share his own happiness with. A friend to fall back to, a friend to hold on to.

He stopped the bike in front of his gate and stared the place with a frown. It feels like the huge mansion is staring back at him with equal disgust, they never accepted eachother and they never will.
Tae's memory about this place is always tainted by tears and insecurity. He let out of exhausted sigh and pushed the gate open. As usual the gatekeeper was asleep and did even blink at the loud noise.

"Good life." Tae thought pushing the bike  towards the backyard. He stopped by the garden to admire the freshly bloomed buds. "Good morning little ones." He whispered caressing their petals.

As usual he sneaked into his room through the window, his eyes immediately fell on the study lamp switched on, on the other side of the bed. He gazed around to find both Hoseok and Yoongi are asleep.

"Maybe they forgot." He thought removing his shirt and walking into the bathroom.

He returned to his room after a quick shower and light was still on. He quietly settled down on the bed and rolled over to switch off the lamp. He is startled to see Jungkook hunched over on the floor. The boy is scribbling something on a notebook. Tae frowns at the scene, who wakes up so early to finish homework. Why not finish it and sleep peacefully? He lays back trying to sleep but he feels bad for the boy struggling to finish his work
"Hey!" He greeted, tapping his shoulder.
"OH!!!! My.... You startled me." Jungkook gasped clutching his chest.

Tae stared him in astonishment, the boy's face is familiar. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

"You didn't hear me? I jumped in through the window." Tae asked tilting his head.
"I...I was listening to songs." Jungkook whispered adjusting his glasses.
"Be careful, you never know who might jump in through the window next time." Tae warned laying back.
"Hyungs will protect me." Jungkook replied looking over his shoulder.
"Really?" Tae sat up and threw a pillow at Hoseok.
"Mm...mm leave me alone Yoongi." Hoseok mumbled in sleep, turning around to cuddle Yoongi. Jungkook pouted and looked away.

"So are you an early riser or something." Tae asked peering over to his notebooks.
"For today I am a no sleeper." Jungkook replied hiding his books.
"No that professor hates me, I have trouble understanding maths and instead of helping me he drags me in front of everyone. He likes to embarrass me. I am trying to learn by myself so that I don't embarrass myself today." Jungkook admitted sadly.

Tae stared him with a frown.
"Sorry for bothering." Jungkook said leaning forward to switch off the light.
"He shouldn't do that." Tae whispered slipping out of the bed and settling next to Jungkook.
"Let's try it together." He smiled picking the notebook.

Monday mornings are exhausting but Tuesday mornings are worst if you have back to back luctures and have no idea what's going on.
Jimin has been squirming and whining for three hours now. The university has organised for a special seminar session with industry experts. Unfortunately for Jimin he cannot skip the class because his father is also a guest speaker for today's event.

Jimin tries to put up a smiling face whenever his eyes meets with his father's. He hopes that his father doesn't make the mistake of inquiring about his performance to his professors.
"God that would be horrible, he will probably hire hundreds of tutors." Jimin thought trying to concentrate on the topic. As usual he didn't even last for five minutes. Business studies is boring and being made to listen to business men talk is a crime in Jimin's rule book.

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