Still Fighting

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Cameron POV.

I watched as Jake went up to Ava. It looked like she didn't even mind talking to him. My hands clenched into fist. She's suppose to hate this guy! He raped her! How can she ever forgive him?

She slowly walked up the beach when Jake left her. Her eyes never met mine. She knew that I was angry and that I was going to say something. She stopped a foot away from me.

"Why are you talking to him?" I asked crossing my arms. She didn't answer.

"Why are you getting friendly with him? When we all know how it played out last time he got friendly with you." I stated. She looked at me for the first time since we've been standing here.

"Because Cameron, I have to go through therapy with him!" She said.

"What does that have to do with you two?" I asked.

"Cameron just leave me alone right now! I'm not trying to get with him! I have this under control!" She said louder and started walking towards the car.

"Yeah sure you do. Don't you remember last time when you trusted him?" I asked following behind her. She turned around and stopped in her tracks.

"Can you stop bringing that up, I'm trying to forget that ever happen to me." She said tears filling up her eyes.

"I'm just saying, don't trust the person that rapes you." I whispered. Ava turned back around and walked away from me. I shouldn't have been so mean, but how else was I suppose to get through to her?

I walked to my car and got in. Ava was already in the car with tears running down her cheeks. Now I felt really bad for what I said.

"I'm really sorry Av-"

"Just drive me home," She said her voice cracking.

"But, Ava, I'm really so-"

"Just drive me home!" She yelled. I stopped talking and put the keys in the ignition. I looked over to her one more time and saw tears pouring out her eyes.

"Can I at least wipe your tears, sweetie." I asked reaching my hand towards her cheek. She let me wipe them but didn't say a word. I pulled out of the parking lot and went straight to Ava's house. When I was in her drive way I turned off the car and looked at her.

"I'm really sorry about what I said. I know that your sensitive about that topic," I said.

"I don't think you do because if you did you wouldn't bring it up all the time." She said looking at me. Her eyes were puffy and red. I really felt bad but she didn't care.

"Goodnight Cameron." She said getting out the car.

"Goodnight Ava." I said also getting out the car since it was Ava's anyway. I watched her walk in her house without even looking back. I really screwed up tonight.

I walked slowly towards my house. When I opened the door the house was completely dark. Good. I don't need anyone to see the tears running down my face. I ran up the stairs and got into my room and laid on my bed crying.

After a while, I slowly lifted my head and looked out the window. Ava was curled up on her bed, probably crying into her knees. I wish this night never happened. I don't even know where to start with my apology.

Ava looked up at me for a second, her makeup ran down her face. She walked towards the window and I got some hope that maybe she would open it. But instead she closed her curtains. She won't be easy to apologize to.

Jake POV.

I watched as Cameron and Ava fought. It was probably about me. I really didn't mean to cause a fight. But I do understand why Cameron is so angry at me trying to get close to Ava again. He just needs to know that I'm not trying to do anything.

I regret doing anything to Ava. She didn't deserve it. When I was gone I went to a military camp and got my butt kicked. The Commanders knew what I did and yelled at me more than anyone. At camp, no one would talk to me. They would treat me like trash because I made Ava feel like trash. I learned my lesson from them.

After my volleyball game I drove to Cameron's house. It was about 8 at night, he should be up. I walked to his door and knocked.

"Hello?" A lady asked. I'm guessing that must be his mother. She was very pretty. Her hair was long and brown and her eyes were brown just like Cameron's.

"Hi, I'm Cameron's friend. Could I talk to him right now?" I asked.

"Don't play me for a fool! I know who you are. Please leave right now!" She said harshly.

"I just want to apologize," I said.

"The only one you should be apologizing to is Ava, now leave!" She said closing the door in my face. Well that went fantastically. I walked out towards my car and looked up. Ava told me about Cameron's room being across from hers, maybe I could get him to talk to me.

I saw a ladder on Ava's house and I took it and put it against Cameron's. I climbed up the ladder and saw Cameron sitting on his beds. When I knocked on the window Cameron's eyes darted to mine.

"What are you doing here?" Cameron asked when he opened the window.

"I need you to understand that I'm not trying to get with Ava. I regret everything I did to her. I just want to make things right." I said.

"Can you just leave, today has been a horrible day." He said starting to close the window.

"Don't be mad at Ava, she loves you more than anyone. You should be mad at me." I said.

"I am mad at you so leave me alone," he said slamming the window shut. I sighed and went down the ladder. I'm not trying to do anything to ruin their relationship. They both need to stop thinking like that. I need to make things right.


Hi everyone!! It took me longer to update because my teacher decided to have our class do 8 essays! And on top of that I had to make a personal sonnet for English and a project for Spanish! But I knew I had write so here you go! I love all of you!!! Thank you so much for the support!!!

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