What Am I Going To Do?

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Cameron POV.

I got settled in my new place with the boys. My room was right next to Nash and Shawn's. All I had in my room was a king sized bed and a deck with my laptop on it. The walls were white and there is hardwood floors.

"Hey dude," Nash said coming in my room and flopping on my bed. I was sitting at my laptop doing some editing for my new video.

"Hey," I said spinning my chair to face him.

"How's Ava?" He asked.

"She's good, I'm going to call her tonight to see how her first day of school was."

"Do you miss her?" He asked.

"Of course I do! She's my girlfriend!" I exclaimed.

"That reminds me, Maggie is coming over this weekend. Do you want to invite Ava to come too? All were going to do is have dinner and hang out," Nash said with a smile.

"Sounds great!" I smiled. I turned back around to edit my video. Hopefully Ava will be able to come this weekend.

Ava POV.

Jake looked up at me, his blue eyes meeting mine. A smirked crept on his face as he walked past. I kept walking but all that was on my mind was what is Jake doing back?

The thought scared me to death. What was he doing out of jail? How did they even let him out? All the questions were running through my head. I got into class and sat down without saying a word to anyone.

I have to tell Cameron. But, if I do then he'll start to worry. I don't want him to worry about me. All I have to do is stay away from Jake at all times.

Just then Cindy walked into the room. She looked around until her eyes fell on mine. Just like Jake, I smirk crept onto her face. She walked past me and to the back of the room without a word.

I bet she has something to do with Jake being out. I need to know what she did.

"Okay class I'm going to go over the rules for this class," Mr. Jackson, the science teacher, said when the bell rang.

"But first let me put you in your seating chart," He said. The whole class complained.

"Vanessa and Zack in the front," Mr. Jackson said pointing to the front table.

"Cindy and Ava right here," He said pointing to the table next to Vanessa and Zack's. Great. I walked over to the table as Mr. Jackson kept calling names.

"Hey Ava," She said. I looked at her and glared. Why is she even talking to me?

"Hi," I said looking back down at my books.

"Did you see Jake?" She asked with a smirk on her face. I gulped at the mention of Jake.

"Can you not bring him up?" I asked getting irritated with her.

"Why not? What did he ever do to you?" She asked. My hands clenched and I but my lip. I can't have an outbreak today. I have to stay calm.

Class went by and soon it was done. When I got out the room, Avery was standing out there.

"What's wrong?" She asked as we walked down the hall to our next class.

"Cindy's in my class," I said.

"Awe I was hoping we wouldn't see her at all this year," She said.

"I was too, after Seth broke up with her I thought the was the end with dealing with her," I said dragging my feet. I looked over at Avery who looked nervous as we walked down the hall.

"Why do you look nervous?" I asked her. She kept looking straight ignoring my question. When I looked in her direction I knew why she was nervous.

Jake was standing outside the class room we were about to go in.

"He's back?" She asked stopping in her tracks.

"He's back," I confirmed. We continued walking towards the door. Jake looked up at us and smiled. We quickly walked past him and into to the room.

"Hello girls! You are?" Mrs. Munro asked.

"I'm Ava and this is Avery!" I smiled pointing to Avery.

"Hello! I'm Mrs. Munro! Welcome to English! Take a seat anywhere," She smiled walking to the door where Jake was standing with a security guard. Avery and I sat down in the middle of the room.

"How did he get out of jail?" She asked.

"I don't know, but I think it has something to do with Cindy." I said.

"It can't be her, she's wouldn't do anything good for someone." Avery said.

"Well when it comes to someone that can ruin my life, she would do a good deed for them. " I said.

"Senior year was suppose to be the best year with no worries," Avery sighed.

"I know, but we can't let this ruin our year." I said looking over at Jake.

"You have to tell Cameron," She said. I looked at her with wide eyes.

"I can't! He'd freak!" I said.

"Yeah, but he needs to know that Jake's back." She said.

"I know, but he'll start to worry about me. I don't want him to worry about me. He needs to worry about making his dreams come true." I said.

"Ava, you have to tell him." She said looking in my eyes.

"Fine, I will." I said. I'm not sure if I'm lying or not. Part of me wants to tell him but the other doesn't. What am I going to do?



I'm so sorry this chapter is short too! I really want to write a long chapter but I have no time! My teachers love giving homework everyday of the week including weekends!!!

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