A New Student

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Ava POV.

Today's the first day of my Senior year! I'm so exited to get school over with. But I have to admit I will miss my friends that I have made over the years.

After taking a shower and doing my makeup I went to my closet to pick out an outfit. I decided to go for a simple floral dress that's went down to the middle of my thigh and some tan colored boots with heels.

"Ava? Are you ready?" Avery asked busting into my room. She was wearing a white lace dress and black high heel shoes. Her hair was swept to one side with curls in it.

"Yeah just let me curl my hair," I said walking to my bathroom.

"You look so cute!" Avery smiled walking into the bathroom with me.

"Thanks, you too!" I smiled turning on my curler.

"So how are you coping with not having Cameron here?" Avery asked watching me wrap a piece of my hair around the curler.

"I mean it's hard not having him around since I'm so use to it. But, the thought of him living his dream makes me happy!" I smiled. All I ever wanted for Cameron was to be happy.

"I'm happy you're not upset with him," She said.

"No, there's really no reason to be upset with him. He's been planning this for months." I said finishing up my curls. I hair sprayed them down and went out to my bedroom to get my bag.

"Ready?" I asked Avery as I threw my bag over my shoulder.

"Yep!" She smiled following me out of my room and downstairs. We went to the kitchen, where my brother was at shirtless. I ignored him and got a poptart from out of the cabinet.

When I turned around Avery was sitting next to Seth talking to him. That's weird, she never really talks to him or even sits next to him.

"Come on Avery don't want to be late for our first day of being seniors!" I smiled.

"Good luck!" Seth called as we walked out the door and to my car.

"Let's go!" I said getting into the car and starting it up. We blasted the music as we made our way to school. When we finally approached school, I found a parking spot in front.

"We are officially Seniors today!" I told Avery.

"Finally!" She laughed getting out of the car. We started walking towards the doors of the school.

"So what's up with you and Seth?" I asked referring back to this morning.

"Ugh nothing, why would you think that there is something?" Avery stuttered fumbling with her fingers.

"Do you like my brother?" I asked.

"No, why would you think that?" She asked trying to hide that she did have feelings for him.

"I'm not going to get mad at you for liking my brother. It's kinda like Cameron and I. You've been friends with Seth for years and it's alright if you have feelings for him." I said when we both got into the school.

"Okay, I have feelings for your brother but don't tell him," She begged.

"I won't," I said. Thank goodness Avery and I had 1st period together. When I walked in the class was almost full.

"Hello I'm Mrs. Smith, your History teacher!" A middle aged woman said with a smile. She had brown hair with green eyes. Her dress was black and fit her curves perfectly. I have to admit she is one of the prettier teachers I've had.

"Hello, I'm Ava and this is Avery!" I smiled.

"Nice to meet you, find a seat anywhere in class." She said. We looked around and only saw two seats that were next to each other in the front. Well I guess today we're just going to have to deal with being in the front.

Soon class began and everyone settled down as Mrs. Smith did attendance. After she was done she started her lecture. My phone vibrated in my pocket. Avery looked at me with wide eyes. I took it out and looked at the text I had just gotten.

Cameron 😘💁:

Hey babe ;)

"Awe that's so cute!" Avery whispered looking down at my phone.

"Do I have to split you girls up on the first day?" Mrs. Smith asked turning around to look at us.

"No," We both said acting like we were taking notes. She turned around and I decided to text him back.


Hey boo, thanks for getting me in trouble 😉

Cameron 😘💁:

Sorry babe, forgot you have school! Call me tonight at 7 😉 love you!!


Okay love you too!

I put my phone down and started to pay attention in class. When class was over Avery and I got our things and left.

"You guys are so cute!" She smiled.

"Thanks! I have to go to Math. Bye boo!" I said walking down the opposite hallway.

"Bye!" She said. While I was walking down the hall a security guard and a student were walking together. The student has his head down but when he looked up my body froze.



I'm sorry it took long for me to come out with a chapter. My teachers decided to give a bunch of homework these past two days!! And to top it off I got a cold!!

So thank you again for all your support all this story! I love you all!!!

Also I'm sorry it's not that long but I'm trying to make my chapters longer!!

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