Unknown Number and Visitors

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Nico sort of regretted everything. Jason, being Jason had spilled the truth, and now the situation between the three had changed so swiftly Nico couldn't make heads or tails of it. The most shocking thing, Percy acted no different, as if the whole "I love you" reveal didn't even startle him. So, maybe Nico was hoping Percy would be a bit different around them, but nope, he still lets them have hugs and kisses when they want, but there's no feeling of mutual love.

Sure, there's the love Percy's always had for them in his actions, but it hasn't changed to become the type of love Nico and Jason feel. Nico sort of wants to tear Percy's head open to know his thoughts, because how can he not even blush or be embarrassed with the intimacy when he knows they want to be his lover?

'It's official, Percy's broken.' Nico decided after passionately kissing Percy, going as far as to bite at Percy's lip to try to turn this into a French kiss. The result...Percy let him. Nico was storming around the room right after that, how the hell could he accept this. 'Seal didn't even show any hints of passion as we did such unspeakable things, I'll...I'll kiss him again as punishment!'

Nico stormed over to a lazy Percy, only for a knock at the door to interrupt him. A hint of murderous intent flashes in his gaze. 'Who dares interrupt my time alone with Percy?!' That's right ALONE, Jason was off meeting with the golden trio about Ava Evans, and Nico was all too happy about the alone time.

Throwing open the door, he finds the last person he wants to see right now. "No"





"I'll sing a-"


"What about I say a h-"

"I will murder you"

"...and we're supposedly cousins"


Nico and Apollo stared at each other, neither quite sure how to continue this conversation. Apollo, aka, their therapist/doctor, had decided to drop in for a visit after Percy ever so kindly refused him the last time, he tried to stop by a couple months ago. The poor guy must've gotten a bit of a scare seeing as it's been a couple months since his last visit.

"So, can I do my job?" Apollo awkwardly says, always a bit off guard when it came to the three's mood shifts.





"We're not doing this again." Apollo and Nico both say at the same time. Nico glowers, Apollo's smile borders on amusement and cheer. Nico really wants to ruin that smile. 'Stupid Apollo, stupid smile, stupid happy cousin, I just want alone time with Percy, why is he so irritating.'

"Your silence has been taken as a yes, so make way, I need to do physicals and then we'll do mental health checks, and...where's Jason?" Apollo trails off, only spotting Percy playing on his phone when he walked in.

"He died" Nico says with an absolutely serious face.

"How?" Apollo asks, not believing it.

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now