Percy creates a Miracle during Potions

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Percy listens to the lecture, even if he already knows everything, and more then Professor Binns. Refresher courses are still useful after all. "What is the name of the Goddess of Magic?" Professor Binns asks.

Jason raises his hand this time. "Hecate."

"Good, ten points Ravenclaw. Now which three Gods are considered the most powerful, also known as the big three?" Professor Binns continues shooting off questions, the three taking turns to answer these simple questions. None of the other students even get a single question, and Percy can tell Hermione hasn't studied Greek history.

"That's the end of class for today, Percy, Jason, Nico, well done." Professor Binns praises, before floating off humming an off-beat tune, clearly in a good mood.

"Nico...did you do something?" Percy asks, looking at Nico.

"No" Nico says in Greek and gives Percy an innocent look.

Jason cuts in, fluently speaking Latin. "It was when the ghost heard our names, he acted weird. Someone told him about us."

"Hecate" All three mumble, completely in sync.

"What are you three talking about?" Hermione asks, a fake smile on her lips. Jason glances at her and looks away, Nico scowls, and Percy sighs.

"Doesn't concern you, excuse us, we've got to get to potions." Nico says, dragging Percy away. Jason hurriedly follows after the two, grasping Percy's free hand and shooting Nico an irritated look. Nico glances down at his hand holding Percy's, and smirks.

Percy looks between the two, trying to figure this out. 'They ate something weird again right?'

The three entered potions, where, thankfully there's no Hermione, Ron or Harry. Not that Percy disliked them, they just tended to say things they shouldn't. Yawning, his gaze lands on Snape. His eyes brighten, not very bright, but compared to the empty gaze it's a large improvement. "Sevy!" He yells, his yell being as loud as a person normally talking.

Everyone's eyes instantly turn to Percy who runs over to Snape, hugging him. Percy finds the room has become oddly quiet, turning, arms still around Snape he finds everyone looking at him like he's a dead person. 'I've seen that look a lot. Like every time Ares picks a fight with me...of course, then the eyes are directed at Ares, not me.'

Percy yawns again, feeling tired, probably since he doesn't get much sleep thanks to his nightmares. 'Can they be called nightmares since their always memories of the past?' "Sevy I'm sleepy." Percy says, looking at Snape with baby seal eyes.

Snape looks away from Percy, not wanting to see those irresistibly cute eyes. "Go have a seat, complete the potion and you can rest. You already know it Emotion Mix-up Potion, get started. Jason, Nico partner up with Percy. The rest of you begin."

Everyone looks at Percy like he's some puzzle they can't understand, like he just created a miracle. "Jay, did I do something strange?"

"No, not unless hugging your friend Sevy is strange." Jason says, snickering at Snape's nickname. Their voices are low enough none of the class hears, but Snape levels a glare on Jason.

"Jason make the potion on your own, no help from Percy." Snape says, and Jason hugs Percy, glaring at Snape like he's committing a crime. Snape glares back, but Percy is aware that out of the two, Jason would win the glaring contest. As a good student, Percy steps on Jason's foot making him break eye contact and bounce up and down holding his foot.

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