Gringotts Goblins

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Nico decided that his dad is really trying to make up for all the time Nico had to be alone. From unlimited mortal money to unlimited drachma's, Guess having the dad of wealth does make this easy for him to gift. Still when Nico was telepathically told he can access his fathers safe in Gringotts he decided to just stop worrying about wealth for any type of currency. Clearly his dad has that covered, even when it comes to whatever money witches and wizards use.

"So?" Jason asks, when they head up to their room to grab their satchels before they leave. Their satchels are gifts from their parents that will never run out of room. Infinite storage, but of course their rings also have that function, so it's rare for them to use their satchels. At the moment they're only using them because the witches and wizards said he'll need something to put his money in and he doesn't feel like explaining his ring.

"Dad sent me a message; we have vaults. Didn't say how to find them, but we'll figure it out." Nico explains. Jason and Percy share a look, before all three head downstairs.

"Dears we'll be using the floo network. You have too stand within the firepit, throw this down and clearly pronounce 'Gringotts'" Molly kindly explains, as Fred and George go first.

"Apparating, now this...I like our ways better." Nico muttered under his breath. Shadow traveling is so much better, no noise, no powder, and as long as there's a shadow I can go there. This is just crappy knock off versions of Greek and roman transport.

Nico went next, and when he came out of the fireplace he was thoroughly annoyed by this method of travel. Percy and Jason came next, both with small frowns that quickly vanished. Soon everyone was here in the large entrance to Gringotts.

By everyone it means, the twins, Draco, Molly and the annoying trio. The others all decided to hang back since this is just a quick run to get money for Nico, Jason and Percy. The group walks up to the counter where goblins are manning the counters. "Goblins?" Nico mutters to himself, before frowning eyes going wide in realization.

He moves to pull Percy back and keep him out of sight when the goblin spots the group. The goblin runs forward and kneels. Nico inwardly groans, shooting a glance at Jason for help.

"Blimey mate, even the goblins bow to you." Ron said to Harry, all the Weasley's looking between the goblin and Harry in surprise. Draco just rolls his eyes at the scene.

Harry puffs out his chest, smirking as he shoots a glance at Nico, Jason and specifically Percy. "Rise, goblin." Harry said with an arrogant expression.

The goblin lifts his head, looking at Harry in annoyance. "I bow not to you, egotistical child." The goblin said, and Nico's glare keeps it from saying anything else. Percy frowns lightly and moves forward, kneeling to be at the goblin's height.

"You needn't bow, everyone is a hero in their own way." Percy whispers, helping the goblin stand.

"None as great as you." The goblin whispers back.

"Warn the others, I don't wish to be known."

"Yes, o great hero." The goblin whispers and stands. In a louder voice he says, "Forgive me, I mistook you for another."

If the goblin weren't looking at Percy like a fan, it would be believable. "Come, I know where you threes vaults are. Do any of you desire to enter your vaults."

The Weasley's and Harry all decided to enter their vaults while down here. The goblin steers the little mine cart down the tunnels, stopping in front of a large vault for Harry. When Harry comes back, Ron shoots him a jealous look, but it leaves quickly. Let me guess, Ron is poor, and Harry is is a spectacular way to ruin a friendship.

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