Meeting Remus Lupin

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Remus Lupin approaches the Weasley's house with urgent steps. His eyes are narrowed, and his hair looks wild. Bags are under his eyes as if he hasn't slept in a while, and the start of a beard is showing. Knocking on the door, he's greeted by Molly Weasley.

"Remus!" She hugs him, and ushers him in. "You've been gone for so long you've missed so much."

"Molly, please contact Dumbledore, I must speak with him." He says, eyes showing how tired he felt.

Molly nods, and says, "Alright, go wash up. There are no spare rooms, but I'm sure you can sleep with Sirius and Snape. Snape is with Dumbledore at the moment, so you won't see him."

"Call both back, I have things to discuss with the order." He says, eyes serious, and showing hints of worry. Molly nods, bustling off. Remus watches her go, before trudging over to the stairs. This is going to be a long evening, at least I'll finally get a good meal knowing Molly.

Walking up the stairs, Remus sees a child walk out of the door of a side room. Never seen this child before. "Oh, sorry." The boy says kindly backing to the side so Remus can pass. His eyes are a stunning sea green, and he carries himself like a leader.

"I'm Remus Lupin, I was unaware Molly had another guest." Remus says, after a moment of the two just staring. Remus touches his heart, feeling some sort of sense that this kid is dangerous, but not. It's a rather conflicting emotion, but he understands it.

The kid is dangerous but has no evil intentions. Remus tilts his head, sniffing the air. The boy smelled like the sea, which is odd, and that sense that he was dangerous left as quickly as it came. Maybe I'm just imagining it. I haven't slept in three days, it's probably nothing.

"Perseus Jackson, please call me Percy. My cousins Jason Grace and Nico D'Angelo are also here." Percy's voice is relaxing, and Remus gives up any thoughts of the boy being dangerous.

"I'm sure Molly is happy to have you."

"Yes, she is one of the few happy ones." He replies, and Remus frowns. Is someone not happy Percy's here? "It was nice meeting you, wer-Remus."

Why'd he change his words, what was he saying? Remus watched Percy elegantly walk down the stairs and disappear around the corner. Remus turned to continue up the stairs when another black-haired boy races out of the side room and down the stairs. "Percy, I told you no leaving the room without one of us." Was the last thing Remus heard, before the two were out of sight.

What interesting guests Molly has.


Nico falters on his way past the tall, but thin man. He definitely caught the scent of a werewolf, not a full werewolf, just a turned. The scent was weaker than the werewolves Nico has encountered, but that's probably because it's not one of the creatures of Hecate's little magic world. Got to keep an eye on the wolf and keep Percy safe.

Nico isn't really worried, considering what Percy's fought, there's not much to worry about. "Percy." Nico says, spotting Percy helping Mrs. Weasley with the dishes.

"What Neeks?" Percy asks, turning to view Nico with his beautiful eyes.

"Nothing, I'll wait here." Nico says, taking a seat at the table. "Who is the guest?"

"Oh, that's Remus Lupin, a lovely man. I'm sure you'll get to know him during your stay here. He will be teaching Defense against the Dark Arts, one of the classes at Hogwarts. It'll teach you how to use magic to defend against dark things." Dark things? Like my dad? Perfect, I could use some lessons for how to get out of those little 'talks' my father wants to have every couple weeks to see how I'm doing.

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now