New teachers

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Jason felt pleased with himself as he held Percy's hand, leading him to the lake. He had told Ares that Nico thought he was the weakest of the gods, resulting in Ares challenging Nico to a duel, which means that while Nico is off fighting Ares, he gets Percy all to himself.

Jason sort of felt like it was a low blow...okay, it was low, but Nico deserved it. Just a month ago, Nico had told Hecate that Jason thought her magic was useless, which resulted in Jason having detention. During said detention, all Jason did was listen to Hecate go on and on about how her magic helps people.

Then there was the time Nico told Professor Slughorn that Jason was struggling with making a love potion, which resulted in Professor Slughorn asking Jason to meet him after class. Jason still remembered that instead of teaching him the love potion, he just pestered Jason with questions about who he wants to use it on.

Thinking back on it, Jason did prank Professor Snape and left Nico's staff at the prank scene. To bad that didn't get him alone time with Percy, instead Professor Snape had a long conversation with Percy about Nico and Jason's actions. Turns out, Nico had also pulled a prank on Snape just the day before, leaving Jason's potions textbook at the crime scene.

Looking back on it, it seemed they had a knack for getting each other in trouble. 'Maybe I need to work on my troublemaking skills'

"What are you thinking about?" Percy asks, startling Jason out of his thoughts. Before he can even answer, Percy answers the question himself. "Getting Nico in trouble, Nico getting you in two are so childish."

"How am I childish, you're the childish one!" Jason protests, resulting in Percy looking at him with a tiny smile.

"Childish? Jason, do you remember when you glued Nico's shoes to the floor, or when you doodled on my face because you thought I'd look cute with whiskers, or the time you dyed Nico's hair pink, or the time you burned all of Nico's clothes, or-" Percy's cut off by Jason's hand covering his lips.

"Okay, okay, I get it, and I didn't burn all of his clothes, I only burned the black ones." Jason defensively says.

"..." Percy looks at Jason, wondering if he's serious. "Jason, Nico only wears black."

"It's not my fault he only wears black"

Percy laughs, "childish"

Jason goes to defend his maturity when Terry Boot, a Ravenclaw comes over. "There you guys are, come on the parties going to start soon"

Jason and Percy followed after Terry, walking down to the lake. "Pretty" Percy softly says as he looks at the lights that illuminate the lake in a soft light. The field is brightly lit, eighth years already gathering in groups. Some had brought along their brooms and were flying around, overall, it's peaceful. The clouds above were dark and ominous, but everyone was laughing and smiling.


Nico brushed off his clothes, leaving behind an unconscious Ares bound by the earth itself. Good thing Ares found a private area to fight in or Nico wouldn't have been able to finish him off so quickly. 'Find Percy. Kill Jason.'

His powers flare as he searches for Jason and Percy's presence. Vanishing into the shadows, he reappears at the door leading to the fields, careful not to be seen coming out of the shadows. Walking out, he directs a murderous look at Jason when Percy isn't looking. Jason smirks, masking it with an innocent smile when Percy looks over.

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now