The horror called...SHOPPING!!!

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"Ugh." Percy moaned from where he lay between the two arguing demigods. Jason stopped and Nico muttered a quick no, ending with the final say. "What time is it?"

"Early morning, we're going with the Weasley's to die again alley or something." Jason explains.

"Why do wizards name things so weirdly. Die again alley, pig's disease, moldyshorts...they need to see a therapist." Percy muttered, yawning as he sits up.

"Agreed." Nico says, slipping on a new shirt. Nico's wearing black again, darn he needs some choice in his wardrobe. Maybe I should burn all of his clothes and choose outfits for him...

Jason lost in thoughts, doesn't snap out of it until he hears Percy saying they better go. "Coming." Jason said, bolting up and running after the two.

"What were you two arguing about anyway?"


The two keep their silence, not wanting to say. Percy will probably never share cookies with us again if we tell him we were talking about blowing up the Weasley's house. I still say we should blow it up with our powers, but Nico is convinced we should use Greek fire. Ugh, he got the last word in. When we blow it up it'll be with Greek fire, darn...I wanted to do a Leo stunt.

"Okay." Percy slowly said the word, looking between the two for answers. Wait?! We can't blow up the entire house since Mrs. Weasley makes good cookies, alright, everything but the kitchen. We just have to get mini Percy, Bushy hair, and annoyance to be in the explosion zone...wait, why do we need to blow up the house, can't we just kill the three that are being mean to our sweet little Percy?!

"Right, earth to Jason, get back to the present."

"I am in the present, just planning future explosions." Jason says, before his eyes go wide as he makes an 'I'm caught' expression.

"Right, and no, you can't blow up whatever it is you're thinking of blowing up. Except the killer horses, feel free to blow up those." Percy says, and now it's Jason and Nico's turn to wonder what he's talking about.

"...Percy, let's end this conversation." Nico says at last.

. . . . .


After reaching Diagon Alley the three showed some amazement by the place, but mostly they just snickered as they talked in that language, each looking like they found something hilarious. Hermione scoffs, wondering how the three can be so stupid.

After entering the bookstore Molly helped them choose the books they'd need. "Thank you." Percy said to the shopkeeper as he picked up his pile of books. The books were piled up, almost reaching the ceiling. They probably won't even get through the books for the first year, and why'd they choose to have the books in Latin and Greek? Those are dead languages, no one really understands them.

Mr. Weasley kindly takes the books home by apparating. With the books dealt with they continued on. "Let's see, we'll do wands last, how about we go get your cauldrons?" Mrs. Weasley asks the three, who shrug in response. "Oh wait, here's the pet shop, you three must come in and choose a pet. Most choose owls as messengers."

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now