Learning the Cure

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"Jay, something's wrong." Nico mutters, when he sees the sorting hat go still after a long, high pitched scream.

"You think?" Jason whispers, looking at Percy in worry. Percy's upper face is obscured by the brim of the sorting hat, but his lower face isn't. Nico can see Percy's lips clamped shut, and his skin seems paler than normal. The hat, as far as Nico can tell isn't doing too good based off of the sudden lack of movement.

"What do we do?" Nico finally asks.

"Plan P." Jason says. Nico holds back a smirk and makes eye contact with Snape. Snape notices the tiny hint of a smirk and shakes his head with a stern glare.

"Drat, Snape says no, wait does Snape know Plan P?"

"How should I know, your giving off some serious scary vibes, so it's no wonder he's saying no." Jason replies. Raising his voice Jason asks, "Hey, the sorting hat is taking so long can we just sort ourselves?"

"It is unusual for the sorting hat to take this long...or to scream...but it will choose." Dumbledore responds.

"They can choose the house, the three can fit in any of the four houses." The quiet voice drew all the eyes, as the sorting hat twitched on Percy's head. "I must go enter a memory wipe to rid myself of these...nightmares."

"Sortie means memories." Percy pipes up, his tense form relaxed and at ease now.

"No, there nightmares." Sorting Hat argues.

"Whatever, so I choose Phoenix or Halfblood or..." Percy begins listing off names.

"Change of plans, you four will rotate through the houses. Kid why are you trying to invent a house, there's only four! Headmaster just let them switch houses every week." The sorting hat says, to get Percy to stop inventing houses.

"Really cool! Then I choose Phoenix for the first week, Firefox for the second, Amazon for the third, Hunter for the fourth..." Percy begins, taking Sorting Hats words the wrong way.

"NO! There are four houses, rotate between them, no creating a new house!" The Sorting Hat yells, looking rejuvenated for a moment.

"Aw, but I had so many good names." Percy complains, pulling the Sorting Hat off his head. The sorting Hat grumbles about nightmares before going silent.

"This was ah, a remarkable sorting. You three will be switching between houses so you'll need robes of every house." Dumbledore says.

"No way, you will never catch me wearing a robe, it's unpractical. Skip!" Jason yells, Nico and Percy seconding him.

"We did agree they could wear what they wished if they came." Snape points out, Nico inwardly applauding Snape's help. 'If they insist, I wear robes I'm going to need to have a talk with Aphrodite about helping out. She'd love to make all these horrid robes go away. WAIT!!! Knowing her she'd redesign them, nope can't bring her into the picture, a pink glittery robe is the last thing I need.'

"True. You three won't need to wear robes, but you must study before going. You have six years of textbooks to study before you're ready to be a seventh year." Dumbledore says.

"Don't worry if you can't learn everything, just learn what you can." Molly Weasley adds.

"Reading...someone kill me." Percy mutters, his words caught only by Nico and Jason who went over to stand by his side. Nico cast a glance at Percy, seeing his eyes were unnaturally dark. 'Must be thinking about Annabeth and her lover for reading.' Nico couldn't think of anything to say to cheer Percy up, and by the looks of it, neither could Jason.

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now