The scars of war are never light

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You'd think being the god of the sun, you wouldn't ever be sad, but that's a lie. For the first time in forever Apollo wasn't sunny, he wasn't even in the mood to say anything, he just stood there, looking at a broken youth who went through way too much. His eyes flickered down; he couldn't bear to keep looking at Percy's dead eyes.

'Could I have prevented some of his pain?' The thought stung; he knew he could've.

"Sorry" Percy murmurs, being held tightly by Nico and Jason. Apollo looks up at the soft voice, surprised Percy had gotten himself together in such a short period. He sort of expected Percy to breakdown for a longer period. 'That just goes to show what sort of monster we've created...we really messed up.'

Apollo wanted to apologize, but as his eyes landed on the three, he was dazed. Percy's eyes were closed, lashes fluttering as if they'd open any moment to reveal the sea green orbs. His face was pale, his lips slightly opened as he breathed in and out slowly, almost peacefully, but Apollo could tell he was just trying to get himself under control.

No, what made the God of the sun, who's seen a lot of things, dazed, is the two holding the boy. They looked horrified, absolutely horrified, as if the world had ended, no, as if something far worse had happened.

Apollo didn't understand, he hurriedly went back through his memories of the last couple minutes. His mind lands on what Percy said, and he suddenly understands. 'Oh...'


Hestia, the woman who reminded Charlie of his mom sighed sadly and snapped her fingers and suddenly the monument had changed, one of the names lighting up. Charlie had been able to read the name before the most terrible scene ever appeared before his eyes.

'Piper McLean'

The names on this side of the monument had vanished, and an image had appeared. If it weren't for what the image showed, Charlie would've thought that this is one of the coolest things he's ever seen.

Blood, so much blood, so much death, it wasn't something Charlie could handle, even with everything he's been through.

"Ah! Save me!" A child screamed, she didn't look older then 10, yet she was holding the hilt of a broken sword, staring up at one of the most hideous creatures Charlie and Bill had ever laid their eyes on.

"A telekhine" Hestia softly says, looking gravely at the images. The image showed a very gruesome scene of the creature biting deeply into the girl's side. The girl screamed, the sound harshly slamming into Charlie and Bill's mind. 'How could someone scream like can this be real?'

Suddenly a girl had appeared, she looked exhausted, and most likely already injured if going off of the blood covering her. Choppy chocolate-brown hair, beautiful eyes blazing with rage, she looked like a goddess as she stabbed the Telekhine with her knife.

"Stop it!" She screamed, her voice hoarse, cracking as she screamed. The beasts and humans fighting around her stilled, but a moment later they were back to fighting.

Blades crashed against claws, the terror of such a battle can't be described with words.

"STOP IT! PLEASE STOP! Ple-" She screamed again, her voice giving out near the end. She fought off another Telekhine before returning to the girl's side, a tear running down her cheek as she found the younger girl on her last breath.

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now