Chapter 11: Chains

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~ L's POV ~

It had been done.

The majority of the six pairs of eyes in the room twitched in unison. Some flared with anger, some with doubt and a particular pair of honey-coloured ones exhibited sheer defiance shrouded under a mask of alleged innocence. However, irrespective of what these eyes displayed, they all stared at the screen with intense, unblinking eye contact.

After a security guard confirmed that the name that had been written was indeed the prisoner's, he placed a piece of white tape over it, leaving the details of his death uncovered. He held it up in front of the camera for the detectives to see.

A quick, painless heart attack in 14 days.

Perfect, thought L as he glanced at Light from the corner of his eyes.

"I thank you for your service," said L through the microphone, using his regular voice changer. The screen soon faded until no reminiscent of the scene remained.

L turned to Light and wordlessly raised an unlatched handcuff.

The teen stiffened and stared at the cuff almost as intently as he had watched the screen.

"Well, Light?"

He looked at his father with wide eyes, who in turn shook his head in defeat. With a bowed head and an almost exaggerated deep sigh, Light shuffled closer to the detective. He placed his wrist in the handcuff and fastened it with a loud, metallic click.

Light smiled faintly. "Am I the only one having déjà vu, L?"

L did his best to keep a straight face, but inside, he was brimming with joy.


The detective hunched even further over his laptop. He glared at each photo as if he was searching intently for any sign of life that the latest Kira victims were suppressing. L could almost hear their shallow, steady wisps of breath. But even if photos could produce sounds, the victims were surely dead. L turned to find the source of the noise.

Light had fallen asleep on his chair, head drooping to one side. Even in his dazed state, not a single hair fell out of its place, unlike L's own. His shackled arm was stiffly positioned on the padded armrest while the other dangled freely over the side.

He looks so cute. L tore his eyes away from the heart-warming scene and glanced at his laptop.

3:12 am. I need to remember that not everyone shares my unhealthy habits, he thought, suddenly feeling guilty. L made it a point to work in bed next time.

"Light, you should go to bed," he urged.

The teen groaned loudly and arched back into his chair.

"If you won't move, I'll have no choice but to carry you," sighed L, expecting that the teen's pride would never allow him to accept. His eyes widened when Light didn't respond.

Well, I need to keep my word now, don't I?

Anxiously, he placed one arm around Light's back and the other underneath the bend of his knees. L stiffly scooped up the limp body and started carrying him to bed, bridal-style. The teen laid his head against L's chest and smiled at the warmth. He was surprisingly light (pun intended), or perhaps L's agitation had made it seem that way.

Suddenly, Light mumbled in his sleep, "Are you going to... consummate our marriage?"

The detective froze. He's so tired. He has no idea what he's saying and probably won't remember any of this tomorrow... Light would never believe me anyway.

Paying no heed to Light's disoriented words, L gently laid him down on the bed and tucked him in, careful not to wake him up throughout the whole process. In his unconscious state, the teen pulled up the covers to his nose and turned away from L.

Again, Light murmured, "This life is sad. It's so lonely. I don't know how you... do it."

L's mouth unhinged. Not only had the sleeping teen caught him with his guard down, but had also pricked his sensitive side.

"Neither do I Light," he admitted, reaching out for his laptop to continue working.

The detective soon realised that he couldn't get too far away. The chain had gotten entangled underneath Light, leaving the laptop just out of reach. When L's tugging intensified, the teen groaned. Eventually, L caved in and lied down next to Light.

When sleep would not come, he wondered about what could possibly be buzzing through Light's mind at that very moment.

These are going to be a long 1.84 weeks, he thought.


The following morning, Light woke up to L working beside him. Watari had brought his beloved laptop back to him when he entered with his breakfast.

"That's weird. I don't remember going to bed," said Light, frowning as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"You must have been too tired to remember."

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