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"No I'm not going Stella" I told my roommate for the tenth time in the last thirty minutes. It was so hard to focus on the essay I was currently working on due to her incessant whining.

"Come on Dora, just this once. Don't be such a PP" She plopped down on my bed fully dressed now.

"You know I don't go to these kind of stuff. I don't do parties besides I've got assignments I need to complete, exams to prepare for. And what do you mean by PP?"

"Party Pooper. And that's not even the point. The point is you're coming with me tonight. These assignments you speak of I know you've done them already. It's you Dora all you do is study. If you haven't still, you have tomorrow and Sunday to complete them so that's not even an excuse"

I scoffed "but I've got loads of them. I'm not going and that's it"

She rolled her eyes at me "You know I've always let you be once I invite you to a party and you say no. This one I have no one to tag along with since Casey is out of town and my boyfriend will not be coming until later..." Casey was her other friend she usually attend these parties with. I've known Stella since my first year in this school, and we had just clicked despite my closed off personality. She had helped me get settled. We got along well and she had been my only friend but she had an habit of attending virtually every party she heard of and that was totally not my thing. She knew this. I just didn't know why she was this adamant tonight.

"Then don't go. You don't have to. You could stay here and we could watch a movie together or something" I cut in

She let out a frustrated sigh "I can't miss the party. I promise I won't ask you to come with after this one" She bashed her eyelashes at me and pouted her lips but I knew better than to give in. I hated crowded places, being with so many people. Don't get me started on the loud music.

"Think of this, we're rounding up our third year already and before you know it, we will be out of here. And you won't get to experience this, not once"

"I don't mind"

"Come on. Socialize Dora. I've known you for a long time now. You don't like being around people. You shut people out and you don't even have a boyfriend. I totally respect that because it's your choice to make, but it's good to let loose sometimes and come out of your shell. Come with me pretty please"

What's wrong with living a solitary life?

She closed my book and held my two hands. She was so stubborn, I'd give her that.

"Fine!" I gave in eventually. "I wonder where you got your stubbornness gene from" I climbed out of my bed

"It's not being stubborn. I am just very charming to persuade you enough to change your mind" She cheered

"Whatever. Just this once. You don't get to ask me again and I don't get to go to your parties. Okay?" I stated sternly

"Yes ma'am" she saluted

"I'm being serious here Stella. I won't go, ever again"

"Okay, okay. Jesus!"

I search through my wardrobe for something comfortable to wear.

Stella walked up behind me "Would you like to borrow my clothes..."

"No" I said a little too quickly. I wasn't going to wear her short dresses or skirts.

"If you want me to go, I get to wear my clothes. No offense but i won't be comfortable in yours"

"But all you have are just Jeans and..." I gave her a look and that shut her up.

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