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"Dora, are you alright? It's completely fine if you would like to take a break" At the sound of a voice, I was brought back to the four walls of my therapist's office.

I hated having to deal with this again but i wasn't going to back out now. One would think with the years that passed, the memories wouldn't be vivid anymore but I remembered every detail- from the wicked grin that still haunted me, to the helplessness I felt. I was still haunted by everything that happened fifteen years ago.

"Is this session over?" I finally voiced out.

Taking the decision to eventually see her and having to relive memories I had spent my life trying to block out was so achy. I was fine bottling everything up inside though I knew it wasn't healthy not until now that I desperately had a reason to do this and if this would help, I was willing to go through the pain

I can't lose Christian...I thought to myself.

When I finally took the courage to start this therapy, I had no expectations. I felt it was better that way but there was this hopeful part of me that kept wondering where this would lead me and I would be so glad if I could get the help I needed.

"No it's not" she answered, concern etched on her pretty face as she looked at me "but you spaced out and stopped talking for a long time. I know it must be hard for you but it's good you're letting it all out. But for now, I will like you to relax and feel comfortable telling me these incidents, we will always work at your own pace, remember that" She paused for a few seconds to sit up and then continued "I'm glad you're finally opening up to me, and this will help you but if you find it hard to continue..."

"No, I am fine. I want to Natalie" I managed to say. She nodded and gave me a smile before she handed me a box of tissue, asked me to take my time again and a few deep breaths. I did as instructed, picked a tissue out of the box and wiped the tear off my face I hadn't realised was there.

I watched her movement as she put on her glasses and scribbled something on the small book she usually held, granting myself some sort of distraction.

I had been seeing her for two weeks now. Twice per week. She was young and really good at what she does, pleasant and a good listener too. With time, I got quite comfortable talking with her but it was still so hard.

I couldn't say the same for the first and only therapist I was made to see right after the incident. I stopped going after the first visit without saying a thing about what happened to me or it could just be the reason I had now that was pushing me to give this my all.

She had me breaking down the hard walls I had around my memories or like I said earlier might just be the sole reason I was here in the first place.


"Are you willing to continue now?" She adjusted in her seat again, now relaxing in her chair and placing her fingers under her chin.

I nodded and took a sip out of the water I was offered.

"So you couldn't get your parents to listen and you eventually had to go again?" She asked looking up at me, urging me to continue. I nodded again, twiddling with the necklace that adorned my neck; a gift amongst other things Christian surprised me with on my birthday last year. I smiled slightly at that memory.

"I guess work stayed at the very top of their priority list at that time" I let out a dry laugh and glanced at the window.

"Okay Dora, tell me what happened during this visit. Like I said before, this will help you to finally be aware that it's something you've lived through and does not represent or dictate your present"

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