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"Dora!" I heard my name but it sounded so distant. Though it was familiar. I opened my eyes slowly and it took me a while to discover where I was. As realization washed over me, I jumped out of bed in a flash feeling frightened. Every muscles and bones in my body protested.

My gaze landed on the bed and I saw Dina still sleeping peacefully on the bed, I found myself relaxing a little bit but we were still here, in this house. I was not safe, so was Dina. I shouldn't have slept.

Hold on.

Mrs Martin wasn't here. She was supposed to be here. She promised.

I was on the verge of crying as I thought the worse. She told her husband. Why didn't I just keep quiet. I felt a sudden ache in my heart, a terrible headache. My hands began to sweat and I wiped them furiously on my pyjamas.

What should I do?

"Dora where are you?" I heard the voice again and this time I placed a tag on it. It was my dad's.

He's here?

The door to the room opened fiercely and I flinched.

I finally let out the breathe I didn't realise I was holding when I saw my Dad and Mrs Martins walk through the door, I was immediately pulled into a hug by my dad, I didn't return it. I didn't know why. My body still hurt like every other time this happened if not worse and the way he held tightly onto me wasn't helping at all but I was glad he was here now. Angry, scared but glad I could go home with him now. He released me and take a look at Dina who was still sleeping for a moment before his gaze fell on me again, scrutinizing me.

"Oh Dora honey, I'm so sorry..." I looked up to his eyes.

He knows?

I fondled with my pyjamas and I find myself tugging at them tightly.

What will he think of me now?

He stood from his bent position in front of me and turned to face Mrs Martins who was standing close to the door with a look of sympathy in her eyes. Her eyes looked red from crying, I think. I prayed she hasn't told her husband anything.

"What kind of a woman are you? I thought we were friends, I thought we could trust you with our children" my dad shouted slapping a hand on his forehead, pacing.

"I'm sorry David, I didn't know..." Mrs Martin pleaded tears threatening to fall from her eyes again.

"You didn't know?" He spat in her face. I had seen him get angry many times before but not as fierce as this "You didn't know? Or you were in this together with the devil you call a husband, where is he! So I can do justice with my own hands for what he did to my daughter. I will kill him" He made his way towards the door but stopped to listen to what Mrs Martin was currently saying.

"I, myself" Mrs Martin started placing a palm on her chest "called the police on him earlier this morning but he was no where to be found in the house. I even called his office discreetly to find out if he was there but I was told he hasn't showed up. I can never be in support of something this inhumane" then she whispered "and now I'm afraid he must know but I tried"

No! No!

I clasped my hand over my mouth as my eyes widened in shock. I trembled.

He knows and now he's gone? Oh God

"Lies. I'm sure as soon as Dora told you everything. You tipped your husband off and you let him get away!..."

The room suddenly felt as if it was on fire. It felt harder to breathe in air.

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