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I heard the front door closed, followed by footsteps. "Hey, you're back early" I said out loud without turning from the French toast I was currently making.

I felt a quick kiss on my cheek "Yeah, didn't run far today. I needed to finish up some paperwork and I'm meeting up with a client after"

The toasts were finally ready. I turned away from the gas and wiped my hands off with a kitchen napkin "Oh okay" I was used to him being on work duty on weekends, occasionally. "Will you be able to make it to dinner then?" His friend, Aiden and his wife had invited us to dinner earlier this week.

"Sure. It's still morning and this meeting should be quick. It's just that I couldn't wave it, I'm sorry. I'll still have some time to burn at home before we head over there" I nodded and he placed the water bottle he usually runs with on the counter.

"Something smells so good" He walked towards me and tried to grab a toast. I slapped him at the back of his hand.

"Ow woman! No need to go all violent on me" He screamed in fake agony and looked at me as if I just cut off his hand instead of slapping it "I'm hungry!" He whined like a little boy. He says I was the dramatic one whereas he was the king of drama.

I folded my arms against my chest "No one's stopping you from having breakfast. Go shower first, you're all sweaty" I said pointing at his soaked sweatshirt, around the neck and chest area.

"Awwwn" He groaned. I returned my attention to the breakfast when I heard him asked about the cake barter on the kitchen counter.

"Don't touch that either" Did I mention he's got an addiction for anything chocolate too? I moved my cake barter away from him just as he was about to take the spatula in it to have a taste. The rate at which he took sugar was alarming, to the extent that I worry about him so I tried as much as possible to help him cut it down.

"Come on honey, just a taste. It's chocolate cake! Why are you making it your mission to starve me this morning?" He proclaimed wide eyed.

"You can have the cake after it's baked and at Karen and Aiden's. It's for dessert and as for breakfast, you would be having it now if you had just gone to shower as soon as you came in" I raised my eyebrows at him not backing down.

"Fine. I'm going" He finally said and started making a move to leave.

"Good" I smiled and turned to fetched my greased baking pan when I saw Christian steal a toast. I gasped. I knew it! He was so quick and on the stairs already, moving backwards. I couldn't stop him.

I put my hands on my hips and shouted "Christian Ashton Rhodes!"

"Can't help it when your cooking taste so good as well" He said with a mouthful and he dared to wink at me before continuing his journey upstairs.

I couldn't help but laugh at his mischiefs. He looked so cute. I shook my head at him and continued with my baking and breakfast.

We had breakfast and Christian helped with the dishes like he did whenever he was available. He helped a lot around the house despite his tight schedules.

I was wiping off the dishes when I heard my phone ring.

It was my therapist calling.

Why was she calling? Christian was standing right next to me.

I'd have to call her back later. I discreetly ended the call but it didn't go without Christian noticing it.

"You aren't going to take that?"

I looked up at him "Umm what? Oh no it's just Helen. I'll call her back as soon as I'm settled so we can talk much better" I lied straight through my teeth and I hated it but Christian knowing I was seeing a therapist would end up with me telling him the reason for it. I just couldn't do that.

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